Reviews for Here's To Forever
Shiningheart of ThunderClan chapter 7 . 11/15/2011
-covers eyes, shaking with repressed laughter- I almost died when Takuya started speaking... Dear Gods, what could Kouji POSSIBLY learn from any of this? -shakes head- You know what, it doesn't matter. Just... NEVER. AGAIN. -shiver- Update soon!
lightwolfheart chapter 6 . 2/22/2011
I suddenly feel really happy. Thank you for cheering up my sick day at home. .
KeikoTakishita is regretting chapter 6 . 2/22/2011

I loved this so much. The character and the memory and everything all together. Poor fucking Asashi. Seriously, why'd he have to die? *Is shot*

Never again. I will never kill him again. I promise. OH GOD.


Did I mention I loved it?
sydneybell24 chapter 4 . 10/17/2010
I really liked this. It's sort of related to the last chapter of Here's to the Night. It was very pretty. :) Takumi is one of my favorite pairings, and I adore Natalie's little 'Kouji has unrequited love for Izumi' thing. Keiko was just perfect, because I'm still not giving up on Koujeiko!

As far as characterization goes, Kouji was perfect, as usual, and Keiko was much better than Sand Crabs. I like the cute, sweet, Let-Me-Help-You-With-Your-Problems Keiko. Like the one from the first chapter of Hookup Gone Wrong. No offense, but she hasn't been in character much since then. XDDDD

But I really loved this one. It really fit well.

And I bet Kouji was staring at Keiko's ass. Hehe. XDDD

And again, is everything okay between you and Natalie? She PM'd me last night and she was, like, REALLY upset.
sydneybell24 chapter 3 . 7/30/2010

Amazing plot and storyline. I LOVED it. :D

The ending was so trippy that my hair was literally standing on end. That was great.

The only thing I could criticize though was Keiko's character. She seemed a little broody in this, and as far as I can remember, that's Kouji's job. XDDD

But besides that, it was really wonderful. :)
KeikoTakishita chapter 3 . 7/30/2010
Ooh, this one still gives me goosebumps. I love the way this is written, and I can tell you're getting Keiko's character more. The ending was so amazing! :D I loved every moment of it.
KeikoTakishita chapter 2 . 7/8/2010
Joke? Why didn't you tell my sweet ass I didn't review? I think I've told you this before, but this is my favorite thing you've ever written. :) I loved the emotion, whether it was Izumi or Takuya. And I loved Takuya's sincerity. It was so sweet. Amazing job son. :)
ThankfulMemories chapter 2 . 4/26/2010
I was listening to "Little House" when I was reading this. I must say, you did a very good job on this! It was a very touching one-shot in my opinion.
KeikoTakishita chapter 2 . 3/8/2010
Still too lazy. But this is BEAUTIFUL! I adored the idea and the way it meshed with the song. It was so sweet the way Takuya was there for Izumi. I loved it.

I miss Asashi so much. :( I'm so tempted to bring him back to life. Oh, and you spelled Beginning wrong in the title. You might want to fix that. xD

Anyway, thank you so much for doing this, and I love you so much! :D
sydneybell24 chapter 2 . 3/7/2010
Hello again! :D I really love this so much. Words really can't describe the way I feel about it. I can't wait to see more of these tributes!

One thing that I would say you need to correct is the title. You can't have colons in it, so I would change it to- Tributes to The Beginning of Forever. And then in the information you can say the original is by KeikoTakishita.

Great job though! :D
KeikoTakishita chapter 1 . 2/24/2010
I really haven't reviewed this yet? Oh shit, son. I'm sorry! Dx

Okay, first of all, thank you so much for writing this for me! I really adore it more than anything. :) I love the references in the beginning and end of the story to MY story! The sex scene was so sweet and it seemed like them. :)

I love when you write Kouji, because he's always reallyin character. Like, the way you write him seems so canon! :)

Keiko was adorable in it, and maybe she was a bit too cutesy, but for the most part you nailed her. NON sexually. xD

Once again, thank you so much for writing this for me! I lurve youu! :D
Shiningheart of ThunderClan chapter 1 . 2/13/2010
*smirk* Not everyday you find a sex fic for the Digimon fandom. Good job!
ThankfulMemories chapter 1 . 2/2/2010
I've got to hand it to you, that was a really good one-shot. I hope Keiko and Kouji end up together, but I still hope the story continues. Well, we'll find out in chapter 42!

_~ -ThankfulMemories
sydneybell24 chapter 1 . 1/28/2010
I could have SWORN that I reviewed this, but I guess not. DX

Anyway, I really thought it was good. The sex scene was nice, and not too dirty, but maybe it had a little bit of blank spots at some parts. Another thing is that Keiko seemed SLIGHTLY out of character. But Keiko is REALLY hard to get in character, like, for one of the other stories I wrote for Natalie, I had to have one of her chapters next to me at all times, because I had to make sure I had her in character the entire time.

But you did really well with Kouji's character, again, which I applaud you on. I also like how you said something about 'the beginning of forever' at the end of the fic. The beginning, with the quotes was also very good.

This one was really good, and I would love to read more Digimon stories from you!