Reviews for Never Enough
keraatchley19891 chapter 3 . 7/19
keraatchley19891 chapter 2 . 7/19
Poor Bella
keraatchley19891 chapter 1 . 7/19
Loved it
frostedglaze chapter 39 . 4/17
Yay, they’re happy and Edward got his kid.
frostedglaze chapter 27 . 4/17
Demetri needs to go to jail for stalking, and pedophilia. Heidi, well she needs to go to hell.

I have gone from hating Sarah to liking her.
frostedglaze chapter 26 . 4/17
Okay, Bella is being selfish. She knows Edward loves kids, and what he went through with Chelsea...
frostedglaze chapter 21 . 4/17
Heidi and Felix need to meet up with karma. They just keep using Edward for their jealous games. Edward has to let go of Chelsea. Otherwise he will always be manipulated.
frostedglaze chapter 14 . 4/17
Heidi better not have taken any money from Edward!
frostedglaze chapter 10 . 4/17
I hate Sarah. Why doesn’t she take out her anger on the people who deserve it? Jake and Nessie. They cheated and split a family apart, and Nessie cost Bella her job, too.
Daisy Grace chapter 30 . 10/2/2019
Isn't it human nature that when you are older, more mature in your thinking, that the ideals you set for yourself when you were younger change. Your perspective changes. Certain circumstances that you once held with such importance become - well, not as important. It's called knowing who you are and what's TRULY important to you. This was a great chapter. Well written and I love how these two lovely people are finding their happiness together. :)
GorGirl chapter 13 . 9/24/2019
Happy New Year, indeed!
GorGirl chapter 11 . 9/23/2019
I'm sure Edward is just confused.
GorGirl chapter 10 . 9/23/2019
I loved the way Bella handled Sarah after she got home.
GorGirl chapter 9 . 9/22/2019
GorGirl chapter 8 . 9/22/2019
I think a day with Alice could be intense!
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