Reviews for Something Twisted This Way Comes
Ghostface317 v2 chapter 2 . 5/12/2011
Ghostface317 v2 chapter 1 . 5/12/2011
Groovy! Fantastico! I loved it.
Juicedmark chapter 3 . 2/11/2011
awesome story. hope you keep those stories coming
Lupus Macbeth chapter 1 . 11/18/2010
ohhh, i do remember that part.. whose laughing now asshole! i remember the moose as well... that was a great trilogy wasn't it... can't wait to see what happens next.. oohh are Ron and Shego gonna end up Romancing? is Shego still a villainess? eh guess i'll just have to find out...

oh boy, can't wait for the whole Klaatu Baradda Ni hehh herrhh hughh!
Blue Kiwi chapter 1 . 6/8/2010
Always loved Evil Dead, love thisadaptation of the movie. I can see Ron playing Bruce Cambell.
Ninja Master chapter 2 . 3/18/2010
Aweasome story! Up date soon!
Ninja Master chapter 1 . 3/18/2010
Aweasome crossover! Finally a Evil Dead/Kim Possible fanfic booyah!
Classic Cowboy chapter 3 . 3/3/2010
most impressive start my friend. Definately want to see you come back to this one and see where it goes. And I agree, I'm surprised there isn't more KP/ED fics out there...
advocatus chapter 2 . 3/1/2010
No! You skipped Army of Darkness. I was looking forward to mid-evil times. Oh well. Good chapter, I love that evil hand is still out there. I hope you keep going, not enough good stories out there, and I can't wait until you bring in Kim.
snake1980 chapter 2 . 3/1/2010
pretty good for a second chapter. thers one part you need to fix the part where he caught the blade with both hands. kind of hard to catch the chain saw blade with both hands when you only have one. other then that still pretty good chapter. cant wait to see what happends next.
advocatus chapter 1 . 2/9/2010
Loved it. Can't wait to read what happens next, even though I kinda know. I can only hope that you take it farther than the movies.
Zepher327 chapter 1 . 2/4/2010
loving the cross over, poor Ron going to get sent back to the medieval ages. Just wish it was Kim who got/gets killed and not Yori
Wanderer3 chapter 1 . 2/3/2010
oh NOW I get it. Didn't realize it was Evil Dead and all till the end when you mentioned the musical and such.

Never saw the movies, except for "Army of Darkness" i found that to be fun though. So I wonder if you'll send Ron along that same path.

Although, in a way, I do have to complain just a li-i-i-ittle bit that Ron didn't 'get lucky' before the proverbial "excrement hit the oscillating fan"!

But oh well. Gotta Blast, Bro!
snake1980 chapter 1 . 2/2/2010
not bad for a first chapter. i was wondering when someone was going to do a evildead/kim possible story. cant wait to see what happends next. update soon