Reviews for The Second Book
Momo Gly chapter 16 . 12/4/2019
Can you update please? Sometimes patience is virtue but if you abuse it, it’s a different matter. Just update as long as you still can. But i hope sooner or later.
Gabsterela chapter 16 . 3/27/2016
Do you think you will update this story again? Of not so much?
Vinkookie chapter 16 . 12/12/2015
I love this story so much!
Serves Natsume right, poor Shouda never got her happy ever after.
Here are questions, when are Mikan and Hotaru meeting again and when are you updating
Minlightsistar chapter 16 . 10/14/2015
I loved your story... i remember i was very disapointed when your story hasnt been updated yet because i thought like thpse cliche stories mikan would end up with natsume. Its quite interesting! nice job!
Guest chapter 16 . 6/20/2015
i suddenly wanted to read the updates.. i missed the backstory but gradually caught up as it has been years... you will be surprised to see an email from fanfic :)
animefangurlcraz chapter 16 . 2/28/2015
you had an excellent amount of characters, not too many, and always straight to the point.
I loved how in your previous story, you had mixes of Mikan's essay and how the storyline went. Beautifully written, I enjoyed every word of it, especially how Mikan is with Ken and not Natsume. Your story contained many life elements and lessons, and it was truly a masterpiece.

Guest chapter 16 . 2/25/2015
In SHCOHL, you've focussed on her love life. In these sequel, I expected that you'll focus on her alices. Which is quite disappointing because you did not. I'm a fan of you since 2010.. I hope to read your next update. Lovelots.
MissChuA chapter 16 . 12/19/2014
I just found this yesterday. Great story. I hope you finish this. Good luck!
Natsumi chapter 16 . 7/19/2014
I REALLY REALLY REALLY LIKE your stories. Specially the 7HBCohL, I just love reading it over and over again... so much that i even endorsed it to my friends (who are, by the way not so fond of reading). So i was very happy when you made a continuation of the story. So PLEASE! don't say that your losing interest on this one. Waiting for your late updates is hard enough, YOU losing interest on it is TORTURE, seriously. :-(
But we've got one big problem here. i can no longer copy the text and that's a BIG NO NO! By the way, i hope you don't mind me copying your stories. i just love collecting good stories. it's actually my way of relaxation - re-reading the stories. so can you please tell me how to get a soft copy of this one if there's any. I could use a little help here. Of course, that is, if it's okay with you.
AiramEnayle chapter 16 . 7/14/2014
Heartaches will always there and you will always suffer that feeling but regardless if you suffer that, it is really up to that person if he/ she is willing to let go and face it or consumed by it. Sometimes you need to experience that kind of feeling in order for you to grow and also learn from it in the process.

I love how you will always characterized Natsume in all your stories. You really maintain his character well.

I must say that your plot is very interesting though it is the sequel but still you put some twists to be able to create a new and wonderful story for us, your readers.

Consistency of your plot is very important and you did it well. All emotions were there. Hope you will be able to continue this.
goodgracious chapter 12 . 6/23/2014
Man, I really wanna strangle Natsume to death by now. Good grief, he's my favorite character in the series, but this fic. Goodness, all I want is to choke him to death. Don't even get me started with Shouda. Like seriously, if Mikan was an obsessed fangirl, then she sure is an obsess, possessive girlfriend who has no class because she thinks she's that great. Man, people. Dammit. They're idiots. Then there's Mikan too. Seriously, I feel like in this fic I'm starting to like an OC like Ken, and that's saying something. I never liked OCs before. Good grief. Natsume, go die. Dammit.
AniMehCrAiZe chapter 16 . 3/29/2014
I'm so happy that you finally updated, I love love love Mikan and Ken. Although it's kind of weird and rare for me to pair up some other guy with Mikan since I'm actually a Mikan and Natsume pairing fan.

Anyways there are mistakes, but its not entirely chapterful as you describe it. I love how you write this plot, Please don't give up on this one, I was so depressed to find you not updating this story, but I'm glad you did update it now...

P.S. I hope you can finish this story. I'll respect the final pairings you have in mind. I just really want to see it finished. I think it'd be a waste if you don't finish such a good story line :)
digimonvictory chapter 16 . 2/28/2014
please update a new chapter for this story ! can't waittt 3
Guest chapter 16 . 1/23/2014
Hope Ruka and Hotaru get together ( Think I'm becoming more of a Hotaru x Ruka fan now. Though they are cute! )

So, um, I only started this story recently, but, I'd totally agree with a whole load of people: this story is amazing and (may be my own opinion, but) inspirational just like 'The Seven Heartbreaking Chapters of Her Life'.
Mystique0831 chapter 16 . 1/22/2014
Yeeeey! I was really really happy that you updated! I've been waiting for this! Thaaaank you so much! This made my day! So far, you're writing style is still good and nothing changed really, and if not, it changed for the better. I just missed this story and I've reread this many times. :'))) Hopefully you don't give up on this. This much feels. Just like the previous ones.
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