Reviews for Angelus De La Luna
Zepheera chapter 2 . 4/17/2010
I love this story, I can't wait to read more!
Jelfia Maleak chapter 2 . 3/19/2010
i'd like to see what happens next. don't give up!
Renfields-Spider chapter 2 . 2/13/2010
Like this so far, looking forward to seeing where you are going with it.
Dorkasaurus Rexx chapter 1 . 2/13/2010
Overall: I love the story so far. I am one of those fangirls that in ME1 thought it was stupid Garrus wasn't a romantic interest for the main character, because honestly he should have been. I love how you addressed how Garrus changed from ME1 to ME2, because I always loved his hotheaded behavior and then in ME2 he was like: "I chilled." I wasn't sure if anyone else had noticed that change. You have captured Garrus wondrously.

The only ways I can see for you to improve is maybe adding a bit more depth to Shepard's personality, she's a hard character to really give one to because yeah, in the game, she was more robot than person - but that's just my opinion C: Also, maybe give a little tearjerker warning at the start of the story? I was completely unprepared for Shepard to relive her family dying and Kaidan - wah KAIDANN.

Anyways yeah, I loved it and I didn't spot any glaring mistakes, good job!
Thessili chapter 2 . 2/12/2010
I adore how you've captured Garrus in this chapter. Her ordering him to leave and him still saying no. Looking forward to more!
Leeirane chapter 1 . 2/9/2010
Nice work, I like it and I hope this wasn't one-shot. Your flashbacks were great.
KSCrusaders chapter 1 . 2/9/2010
Aaron, I know I already gave you feedback on this, but just wanted to throw again how great the story is :) And I just noticed a difference in the flashbacks-the first one has a distinction between adult and child Emily. The second seems to be just from one POV. I take it that's intentional?
jeandark chapter 1 . 2/9/2010
Nice SHEPARRUS story) i hope you will continue..;) Kisses!