Reviews for A perfect day, a quiet night
valentina14 chapter 3 . 1/19/2015
Lovely story! And i feel you so much about sabaody omg
valentina14 chapter 2 . 1/19/2015
Wow i love zoro's insight and thought! Good job :D
valentina14 chapter 1 . 1/19/2015
Whoa i love this!
skyviolet15 chapter 3 . 9/22/2014
cuteeee... but your story is walking to the friendship zone..
I want moree romance
minami chapter 3 . 12/22/2011
So well written
yuMeNami chapter 3 . 5/25/2010
wow. this is really good. i like how you go in depth of zoro's character and bring out something other author's havent seen.:)
yuMeNami chapter 2 . 5/25/2010
wow. that was an in depth thought about nami. :) way to go zoro!
yuMeNami chapter 1 . 5/25/2010
awww. zoro's deep side. :D
Namiroronoa chapter 1 . 2/11/2010

its very cute fanfic

love zoro and nami ... the best couple of One Piece