Reviews for The Open Door
MoonlightTyger chapter 1 . 8/20/2019
I like this one! (But then, I admit I've always had a certain fondness for Atem.) I was excited to see you put all that stuff in about the Egyptian afterlife! Ancient Egypt is SO. FREAKING. COOL! It's one of the things I've enjoyed most about YGO, and though I've done my share of reading, even I didn't know about the Pharaoh having special power *at* the gates (it stands to reason, but I still didn't know that XD).

I literally read this piece in the characters' voices. I love how conflicted Atem is, where he's not sure what the right thing to do is, but he also steps back and puts himself in Bakura's place. He's not afraid to acknowledge that crimes were committed by his people, too (albeit they thought they were doing the greater good). I like that he's to a point of wisdom where he can see that Bakura is putting on something of a mask, "the conflicted feelings were visible". It really shows the strength of his character that he strives for fairness even for someone as messed-up as our Thief King is (maybe something he learned from his little descendant XD). I'm excited to read what happens next!
white pedal chapter 1 . 2/26/2013
Bakura deserves a second chance after what he went through. He wasn't really evil he was just mad at the wrong person.
This-Account-No-Longer-Here chapter 1 . 3/21/2011
I cannot tell you how much I love this! It's a amazing ending! You kept them in character and let Atem rescue Bakura! Yay!
ChupaQueso chapter 1 . 9/22/2010
Beautifully written! I find myself continually rereading this and that is a sign that I must review!

I love the way you portray Atem's trip to the afterlife and his ability to help spirits move on. You also don't see many people having Atem take pity or forgive Bakura. I like that, I do believe it is in him to forgive Bakura especially with the whole Zorc situation and him sending him back was a nice touch.

Very well done!
Rehema chapter 1 . 6/28/2010
I love how Atem is characterized fairly as a kind, fair leader-as I see it-in this story. He's shown to be aware of Bakura's story and full of compassion in return-however, you've also shown him to be angered by and mindful of the havoc, pain, and destruction TKB was reponsible for.

And it was a fair, neither-one-nor-the-other decision at the end, and I liked Atem's final reflections on Bakura. Again, I also really like how you've represented both sides of Bakura's actions in this story, instead of falling completely for his side. :) Plus Bakura was pretty IC, instead of being a total raving lunatic.
nhqanrswmnu chapter 1 . 4/3/2010
I really like this story. Part of the reason I am so attracted to Yu-Gi-Oh! in the first place is because of the show's strong themes of redemption. And I think this story captured that essence perfectly. Great work as always, LuckyLadyBug!
Mahersal chapter 1 . 2/22/2010
I liked it. Yeah I did wonder what happened to Bakura.
LadyKatherine29 chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
I liked this a lot. Very well done. Very believeale. Good plot. Over all a nice short read. Good stuff.
chibi heishi chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
Huh, very nice. I like how Atem isn't sure why he feels for the thief, and doesn't much like that he does, but tries to understand anyway.
scorpioryo chapter 1 . 2/11/2010
Is this related to your other stories? It sounds like it. I like it! I think it's cool that you would use a National Geographic special to help you think up how to write a story!
Chibi Cheesecake chapter 1 . 2/10/2010
Ooh, the stuff about Egyptian mythology in this is so cool. :3 I'd never heard that before.

I just really Atem in this fic, and how this fic ties the end of the series and your Pendulum Swings 'verse together very nicely. And I love the title, and how it's like the door closing on Atem's story and opening on Yami B's.
Crystal Rose of Pollux chapter 1 . 2/10/2010
Ah, Egyptian myth. Gotta love it. X3

I love how Atem reflects on how easily their situations could have been reversed. And his attempts at talking to him are so poignant, even if Yami B is bitter (though he is for good reason).

And of course, the fact that Atem somehow knows that Yami B should go back is very squee.

Great ficlit!
pride1289 chapter 1 . 2/10/2010
There IS an adjective SOMEWHERE that describes what this fanfic is. But I don't know it so I'm just gunna fave it.
Harry2 chapter 1 . 2/10/2010
This story explains a lot. It explains WHY Yami Bakura is still around, why he was given the ring that he has now. If Atem felt that he still had something left to do, then he did the right thing, and I think that Yami Bakura is beginning to realize that.