Reviews for Exquisite Taste
Lmb111514 chapter 1 . 1/26
This story was incredibly sweet!
Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 8/16/2014

They're Ridiculously Adorable! xD

America, you just- I don't know if I should call him an idiot or teaser or seducer...

I Just Love every times England blushing!
Mizuki Tsukino chapter 1 . 11/18/2012
I-I-I... I'm going to go make some tea O/u/O

*inside head* KYAAA! Iggy you're so damn kawaii!
Sushi Sensei chapter 1 . 3/3/2011
omggg soo fluffy ahahah *fangirls*

i was fangirling all through this
LadyKirkland chapter 1 . 8/8/2010
Ah~ For being T, this is horribly sexy! Now I want to drink some tea so I can taste him too~

And this part just killed me.

"Hurry back. I-I…" The Brit scowled and then sighed before finishing quietly: "I'm going to kiss you senseless, you oblivious, romantic twit."

Oh, I wish you could have my babies! Words cannot describe how much I loved this story!
Karneval chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
I am awing all your stories. Lovely & cute.

I always thought coffee was made to piss off the Brits. xD
Tamer Lorika chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
AW DAMN SO CUTE I cannot drink earl grey without thinking of this...
gardenofstardust chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
*hugtackles ukxus* I luffs dem! This was too damn cute~! Heehee, it was so awesome!

I loved the theme of they taste like what they drink. It's like "you are what you eat." XD And all the fluffy and sexiness! *drool* YEES~

Hrrm . . . maybe you could write some smut to follow?

'Twas good, keep up the good work!

Happy Writing!

RevolutionaryDay chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
:'D That was delicious! So cute, my dear! I'm now going to make myself some Earl Grey tea nowXD Awesome job!