Reviews for Goodbye
Bobtrumpet chapter 1 . 12/7/2015
The angst meter pegs at the maximum. Poor Ron. I hope things work out for him.
And as this is your last KP fic, I hope things work out for you as well. Best wishes, and thanks for the stories.
Joe Stoppinghem chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
I'm sorry to read you've lost your muse to write.

With works like this, I hope it's found again, cause it would be a shame not to read more from you.

I enjoyed the story, caused a slight tightness in my throat.

Good luck in your endeavors, and hope see another story.

You do plan to leave your work up here right?

Thanks for all the time and effort you've put into here.
Samurai Crunchbird chapter 1 . 2/12/2010

This piece really moved me. I can also relate to not being around much. I attibute my absence to two things...One, my schedule (with it being tax time); Two, I have to wait an extra tick when pressing the letter 'd' on my keyboard, which throws me out of my rhythm for writing.

I wish you much success in the years ahead.

Still your friend in writing,

The Samurai Crunchbird
screaming phoenix chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
This had a powerful emotional content for both Kim and Ron. Ron trying desperately to hold it together. Kim losing control at the very end: Touching and powerful. What a wonderful tale you produced for your swan song. Hopefully it will inspire you to return in the future.
Sentinel103 chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
Kaiokken, this ways lost will to write? Uh not so in my book. I find working through the emotional train wreck that is happening to Ron, we finally see that the end that the same thing may be happening to Kim.

So well done. You sound like you need time away and I'm aware of the problems that you've dealth with over the last year plus. Remember things get better over time.

We'll be here if you ever decide that you have something to share with us again.

Thanks for this and all the other works over the years Raoul. Take care.

Larry (Sentinel 103)
Eddy13 chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
Well, this was a pretty sad story. It's even sadder because this is your last tale. I'm sorry you've decided to stop writing. Let me tell you, I, too, am having a hard time getting my writing groove back, but I'm not going to throw in the towel. I hope you decide to return to writing one day. If you do, promise one thing: that your returning story will be a sequel to this where Kim and Ron are reunited.
Katsumara chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
In a way, it's sort of like you're the KP and we're the Ron as you're going away. [ You really lost the will to write? I'm so sorry to hear that. I enjoyed your work a ton, kaiokken. I guess when one has lost the will to write, there's nothing we can really do about that. A true shame indeed.

I hope you do decide to pop up again.. maybe with a sequel to this with Ron and Kim reuniting? Reuniting fels so god, after all.

Take good care of yourself, buddy. I hope to see you again!
CajunBear73 chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
A goodbye that seems like it will cost him forever, but maybe not.

If anything, there's the promise in the love given back through the tears, lingering touches and words of such.

But most of all, it's in the kiss that saw her off as she flies away to a separate path while Ron walks his own. For now.

In the pain of letting go, will come the complete and total joy with her return to the one who makes her whole again.

That you've come to the end of your contributions to the world of Kim and Ron, is a sad note to us all. We will miss you and will keep an eye out for you should you return in some fashion.

But take care, be well, and find your will for what is yours.

Until next time.

Shrike176 chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
Interesting story, very believable.

Sorry to hear you've had a rough year. I'll miss your writing, hope things improve for you, if the writing bugs ever gets into you again, I'm sure your readers will still be around.

Good Luck.
Midgarosormr chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
Angsty, full of powerful emotions. :) Kim's reaction, trying to be strong only to break down in the end was great! Ron's slow but steady meltdown was realistic and heart breaking.

Well done! You should keep writing. :)


Comet Moon chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
Good bye

May your real life adventures continue

Ja ne