Reviews for A Reason to Live
Lady Red 88 chapter 1 . 2/13/2010
Do you have any idea how incredibly mushy that made me feel? Sickeningly so but the good kind.

I just watched the Sasuke/Itachi fight and then felt the need to go hunting fanfiction on those brothers. You know, I've never found a decent piece on them that isn't a oneshot. A shame really. Loads of good oneshots around like this one but no epic lengths. Kinda makes me sad.

Anyway, nice work. _
damselwish chapter 1 . 2/13/2010
honestly i almost didnt read this when i saw it didnt have yaoi

but i found this even more satisfying than 99% of the yaoi ive been reading

its an honor to read this

i adore it and im adding it to my favorites

wow. im really happy i read it, this deserves ALOT of reviews