Reviews for Welcome Home
Zorad chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
Great story! It brought a tear to my eyes!
Insane Certifiably chapter 1 . 5/18/2011
It's very beautiful, and very peaceful. Well done.
Dragon Flute Witch chapter 1 . 11/3/2010
Aww X3 That was very cute!
Eduard Kassel chapter 1 . 9/5/2010
Heroes never die, they just fade away" - Paraphrasing an American General.

I must have missed this earlier.

While I like Mida x Link I am not one for shipping wars and try to keep a(realatively, honestly) open mind. This is a good piece and touches something I never considered. The Kokiri could still be around when Links reincarnations are running about.

This has particular resonance for me, Link's farewell to Saria at the bridge was the first time a viedogame elicited a real emotional responce from me. Ocarina of Time was the first game I really anticipated and is pretty much the standard I have measured all video games against.

A spiral cycle of history repeating itself is a theme in Zelda, usually tragic with the darkness ever returning and a hero ever called to sacrifice so and be left as you anticipated. While fate truly can be cruel, it can be kind as well.

This story illustrates that perfectly.

It dredges up a pair of ideas I had for Zelda oneshots, one for Ganondorf another for Midna.
IrishDragon95 chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
sweet story
Corax2009 chapter 1 . 2/15/2010
You evoked Link's melancholy wonderfully. I think that's something not everyone can do. And you did it with showing more than telling which I love.

May I gently draw your attention to some of your typos. There's just one too many, like the dilapidated "stares" of the ancient structure.

Good job by far.
Obla Di chapter 1 . 2/14/2010
This story struck a chord with me, appealed to that wanderer part of me. All things change, home is an illusion, there is only the road. Indeed, so utterly sublime was the essence of this piece, I was even able to feel it past the sloppy execution.

A properly set atmosphere would have been the difference between good and great for this story. It just seemed shoddily spat out, almost a summary. Elaborate for me, give me the fullness of how Link is feeling, a man who's days of glory are behind him. Put me IN that forest when the soft ocarina music starts. That would have had shivers running down my spine.

So yes, bottom line; good story, bad execution
Ancient Dragon writer chapter 1 . 2/14/2010
nice story is it gonna have more chapters to it or is it a one shot?

(if multi chapter) update

if one shot nice