Reviews for When Fanfic Writers Attack
Morizono Kat chapter 1 . 2/28/2018
poor mikami
Inudaughter Returns chapter 1 . 6/2/2016
Wow. Entertaining.
Reader-anonymous-writer chapter 2 . 2/1/2013
My favourite responses, for now.
I will probably asphyxiate with laughter, sometime soon, maybe the next blue moon in the cold snowy June.
4Evaforever. LOLinglaughing out loud. Everything else, don't know. I don't use this 'language', but I endeavour to understand it.
Flames shall be used to prepare marshmallows and hot cocoa, and then remaining embers shall become weapon against trolls.
Honestly... L and Light, before you flame the Death Note fanfiction writers, consider:
1. there aren't much significant female characters in the universe, so Misa-Misa seems to be the only one available for either of you (Sayu is too young, for instance);
1.1. therefore, mm relationships are the most likely to happen, unless OC are created;
1.1.1. that's why there are often FOC created, such as, orphans as Whammy's - I tend to dislike them;
1.1.2. consider also BB-Light pairings - are they more or less sane? Difficult question. Depends on their personalities. Strawberry jam, anyone?
1.2. would you like to see a cat fight of L and Light over Amane? I wouldn't. I dislike triangles, generally.
2. there aren't much smart characters in the universe, so L-Light is one of the few pairs of equals;
2.1. consider also BB-Light and BB-L pairings - the latter is too disturbing to contemplate, since BB has reached considerable similarity to L;
2.2. it's not socially acceptable to pair L with one of his heirs;
2.2.1. it's rarely if ever acceptable to pair Light with one of L's heirs;
2.2. consider L-Matsuda or Light-Misa pairing - would it be genuine, sincere?
3. unlike famous pairings of other fandoms, this one doesn't have disparity in age;
3.1. consider Harry-Voldemort or Harry-Severus or Severus-Voldemort or HarrySeverusVoldemort pairing - you can even find HarryLuciusSeverusVoldemort relationship;
3.2. consider Sasuke-Orochimaru or Kabuto-Orochimaru pairing;
3.3. consider Naruto-Jiraya pairing.
4. this pairing isn't incest;
4.1. consider pairings of twins, such as Fred-George or Draco-Harry (with Lucius and Severus-vampire as parents, and Voldemort as their godfather, and that doesn't stop Tom-Voldemort from courting Harry; and Draco's part-incubus heritage, and twins' mind link, and Tom-Harry mind link, and Draco's unwillingness to serve Voldemort only add to the troubles)
4.2. consider pairing of father and son (Draco and Lucius... Ewww!)
4.2.1. consider father abusing son in this way (Tony in Avengers?)
When are people going to stop reading into ridiculous subtext that is NOT THERE!
Denial is the first stage. [Sagely nodding]
Amused. Good day, good night, and good luck, L, Light, Raito, Ryuuzaki, Watari.
Arikari chapter 1 . 10/28/2012
"Mikami, get the fuck out."
Miss Miazaki chapter 2 . 4/8/2012
This made me "lol" so hard. All of this is painfully true. Oh fandom writers, why? But Yeah. And isn't L so intelligently convincing?

I would say so :P

Miss Miazaki
AnonymouslyStupid chapter 2 . 1/1/2012
Epicness written all over XDD
gcsdki chapter 2 . 9/11/2011
i used to worry dat am too obsessed with DN but you just proved dat i aint seen nothing yet... recognized only very few of them, wish somebody would compile a list or something but dats kinda rude/flame... so...

aah man i get d shivers just imagining about going into a cafe where all the Light's and L's are 'peacefully' assembled...imagine one already creepy glare and one maniacal laugh multiplied by what, 15-20k?

well atleast all the targeted authors seem to agree dat L is a pervert through and through and Light is usually at the receiving end(am not saying the U-word, poor dear)...

and needless to say my favourite bit was Mikami's...
Dotti55 chapter 1 . 8/29/2011
OMG I laughed so hard. Being a fanfiction writer who writes LightxL Yaoi I recognized each one. Happily I'm not one of them, and I keep my LxLight normal but I too have read some of the sickest things imaginable with them, which is why I started writing. I decided the only way I was going to read LxLight as a normal couple simply dealing with what the world gave them was if I wrote it. Not that they don't have problems, and not that things don't get crazy at times, but they're not perverted, screwing children, doing horrible things to each other in the name of sex, etc. Not that once in a while handcuffs may be in order..but safely.

Thank you for a good laugh, it was awesome!
DaJapican chapter 2 . 8/29/2011
Holy Hell I about PISSED myself this was so fucking funny! XD I about scared everyone in my house with my random burst of hysterical laughter. Sad thing is a lot of the L and Light types you describe I could have swore I read one point or another! Besides the one about Light Bear suit, tho I have read one with L in a Panda suit as a furry. :3 Fucking Brilliant I say, Bravo! Definitely adding to my favorites and recommending to all my friends.

p.s I apologize to all the L and Lights out there for their suffering but it's your fault for being so damn irresistible! I mean come on, you guys where practically begging for it in the show. w
Veskus chapter 2 . 8/28/2011
ROFL, I loveeeeee this :3
lizardsraccoon chapter 2 . 7/26/2011
haha i loved discordant harmony! and i love this too!
Amelia Mills chapter 1 . 7/21/2011
"That'll… show them?"

"Mikami, get the fuck out."

I laughed so hard at this I swear... :D
pumpkinspice-unicorn chapter 2 . 7/10/2011
XD That was amazing. I love the idea of a ton of Lights and Ls, each pair more disturbing than the last, converging against one foe. I have to say that I'm grateful I haven't stumbled across some of the L/Light pairs you've described and find myself both curious and grateful I haven't. In any case, I'll be interested in this other project you mentioned in Chapter 2!
Ratt9 chapter 2 . 7/9/2011
Well, I don't even remember if I've been flamed before, but you have full permission to insult any story of mine you want. xD I don't care.

Love this fic. It's epic! :D

~Ratt Kazamata
TheEndofTag chapter 2 . 7/9/2011
omg! this sounds like it is going to be a very very fun and hilarious idea! I love it already! I can't wait! _

p.s. I change my pen name from Behan to TheEndofTag _v
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