Reviews for The Lost Memory
Guest chapter 20 . 3/15/2019
Please update! I need more!
Guest chapter 21 . 1/16/2019
This story got really good and I am shocked where it has gone. It is very original and I like how crazy Azalea is getting as the years go by. You can tell that she is over being alive and that she is becoming crazy. I wonder what Desmond is going to do and if he is going to find the dagger to kill her? I love that you tie this story in with the comic books. I haven't read them all, but I can see a lot of their influence in your story. This is a very well written story and is really improving from the earlier chapters.
imnotraven16 chapter 16 . 8/26/2017
awesome chapter
Guest chapter 13 . 2/8/2017
This was a lot better than I expected
Miller chapter 1 . 3/28/2016
Ueue, that's not in anyway shape or form true. Men were, are and always will be superior to women. That's just how it's always be and how nature works. Just because it's portrayed contrary in a story does not make it so. I'm getting sick of seeing all these female empowerment fanfics involving a women being superior to all the men around her. Altair would have her at his feet if it were cannon. Someone like him wouldn't be the least bit scared or intimidated by a woman.
black dragon chapter 10 . 10/27/2014
i think this moment is where desmond goes 'whoa!'
Hannah chapter 9 . 2/19/2014
You got Altair's arrogance and stoic nature, and the subtle change in his words and attitudes towards things as he develops as a person over the chapters written very well.

Personally, I'd prefer the relationship between Azalea and Altair NOT to take a romantic turn, as I believe their current relationship-mutual respect of the others ability, is a lot more powerful and educational to the other than a romantic one might be.

Also, no one ever rights ones like that. Sick and tired of people writing stories where Altair and the girl fall for each other and reveal their heart and soul to each other during a cuddle session. A relationship with some secrets from both sides and mysteriousness is a much more unique turn(don't overdo it though, I'd imagine it'd frustrate some readers, myself included.)

Thanks for taking the time to read this (:
NeverDreamsOfMe chapter 8 . 8/30/2012
Intriguing! I wonder what Azalea has to do with the pieces of Eden :3 You've got Altair's arrogance down perfectly, and Azalea herself is wonderfully mysterious.

The only complaint I have would be to watch some words that sound alike. In chapter 3, when Desmond was getting into the trunk, you didn't actually use "trunk" until 3 times in XD And a couple chapters ago, "disbelieve" should have been "disbelief," things like that. Just read through a little more carefully when you're editing and you'll be all set :D

Keep up the great work; can't wait for more!

- Dreams
Guest chapter 8 . 8/30/2012
How bout putting a warning on your summary. like pissy altair!
DanAlaya chapter 8 . 8/29/2012
Excellent chapter. Glad to see it updated. It has been a while. I had to go back and read previous chapters to remember everything.

Really enjoyed it. I liked how Altair is mellowing a bit. He was such an ass to begin with. Im surprised she didn't dislocate his shoulder before.

Looking forward to te next chapter
RaumKatze chapter 7 . 6/18/2012
love it
Ueue96 chapter 6 . 5/6/2012
This a very, very interesting story. I love how it's a woman that's protecting Altair. He needs to learn that woman are just as strong, if not better. Quite a refreshing change from all the stories I've read. Love it immensely! Update when you can.
Atramentous StygianIron chapter 5 . 11/4/2011
Very well written.
Ink And Blade chapter 4 . 3/22/2010
Very interesting, keep it up.
rachil chapter 4 . 3/17/2010
Well, that was certinaly interesting
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