Reviews for The News Must Be Spread Further
Guest chapter 1 . 3/17
This is brilliant! Your dialogue and style of writing was so true to the original text and the characters that I had to keep checking the book to see what was original. What a shame this hasn’t been updated for 10 years as I would have liked to hear what the other character’s reactions were too. I still really enjoyed it though...and the 2009 version is still my favourite too :)
TrapperII chapter 3 . 4/30/2017
More excellent, Austen-esque dialogue here between Emma and Mrs. Weston.
TrapperII chapter 2 . 4/30/2017
I'm enjoying this story. The way you had Emma deliver the news to her father was believable. And the bit in this chapter where Mr. Knightley is praising Emma at the breakfast table mimics Jane Austen's style in the novel very well.
a-blackpanther chapter 4 . 10/19/2013
Oh, how disappointing it is that this has not been updated since 2010! Such an excellent fic - witty, well written, keeping the spirit of the novel and the characterisation, yet bringing its own flair.
Daniella Harwood chapter 4 . 2/25/2013
An excellent beginning, I do hope you decide to continue this one day, for it is well worth a read, and so very true to each and every character. I would love to see more views on the match from Highbury, as well as Mr Woodhouse slowly coming round to the idea.
mamabear86 chapter 4 . 12/2/2012
Ach noooo! Did you never finish this wonderfully engaging story?! I love every version of Emma for its own unique merits, but the 2009 BBC version is my ultimate favorite and I was so enjoying your thoughtful continuation here... sigh. Real life must have cropped up;)
Mrs. Rilla Ford chapter 4 . 1/22/2011
This story has an incredibly fascinating concept and I love the direction you took Frank! Not a lot of people would think about it from that angle. Please keep up the good work and finish this story!
Sleeping Lullaby chapter 4 . 11/5/2010
Wow, I really like this story! I especially enjoy the way you're able to capture the right 'sense' of the relationship between Emma and Mr Knightley. That way it seems like you are really reading the sequel of Emma rather than just another fanfic.

Though, I've noticed the last update dates back to March this year, I sincerely hope you plan to continue this great story of yours. For I'm anxiously awaiting an update of this piece. It's simply too wonderful to end.

And then of course there's also another reason as to why you should continue writing: one can never have enough Mr. Knightley in one's life or in a story for that matter.

Personally, I have to admit that Mr. Knightley is my favourite Austen Man (so to speak). And just like you I find the BBC' s 2009 adaption the best adaption yet. Romola Garai plays Emma perfectly and Jonny Lee Miller simply IS Mr Knightley.

Thank you for writing this and sharing it with us!
Rhaen chapter 4 . 8/8/2010
This is incredible! Truly, I love this! You have an excellent sense of phrasing and have succeeded in capturing the tone and essence of each character. All the dialogue is realistic and the story is the perfect pace- unlike many other Emma authors, you aren't rushing things out of impatience, and instead are developing and continuing the story as if the book/movie/series never stopped. Btw, I just finished the mini-series version of Emma (thus, why I found my way back to ), and once again adored Mr. Knightley. Please update soon, I would love to see where you take this. I am very intrigued as to your plans for Frank! :)
iambbq chapter 4 . 5/25/2010
Wow, this is a wonderful story! I always wished Ms. Austen did not stop the novel where she did! Thank you for picking it up! :) I love all the details you filled in, plus more...the writing is marvelous, very Austen like...what a joy to read! I hope you find time to continue with the story, please, please!
InkWeaverabc chapter 1 . 4/30/2010
This begins well, though i'm afraid i rather skim-read it! It sounds so like Austin, how did you do it? the charecters are written very well. :)
Mary chapter 1 . 4/24/2010
Wow, this whole set of chaps is fantastic. You have really hit the voice, while keeping it compelling enough to appeal to contemporary readers. Excellent job! I hope you will continue this. Some of the best fanfic I've read on Emma
A Free Elf chapter 4 . 3/31/2010
You've captured the style of the novel exactly, so much so that I had to keep checking you hadn't just copied it all verbatim from the back of the book.

Also glad to find someone as infatuated as me with the BBC adaptation (oh Johnny Lee Miller *swoon*).

Please update ASAP! Real life can wait :)
BumpkinLumpkin chapter 4 . 3/29/2010
Hilarious! I love the way you're developing Frank's arrogance. He's quite the lovable fool! I never gave much thought to Frank's opinion of Mr. Knightley before, but it's a very interesting aspect of the story. I look forward to future chapters!
bookworm1137 chapter 4 . 3/25/2010
I love how well you capture Jane Austen's writing style. I can absolutely picture Frank reacting this way, and it perhaps explains why he's relatively unwilling to listen to Emma gush about Mr. Knightley when they meet later on. I always thought that it was just that he was completely preoccupied with his own happiness, but this adds a whole other level, which is, after all, what fan fic is supposed to do. Great story! More, please!
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