Reviews for Why you're the way you are
terig chapter 16 . 12/28/2015
I've literally loved this story the entire way through but then THIS chapter happened and I'm just- I want to marry this fic. This was by far the best chapter and I love it so much that I don't even know how to completely convey said love in words!
Every1sBeta chapter 18 . 10/6/2015
I'm down to wait for this sequel if it is still going to be a thing. Also you get 1 guess about who I am. But I am nice and will give a hint,

You chatted with me the past few days. ;D
TheGreatElisaMousy chapter 7 . 9/22/2015
I almost started crying when I got to the part where Blacksmoke left. It was beautifully executed, both in style and technique, as well as the content itself. I think the only reason I DIDN'T cry was because there are people around me.
M chapter 18 . 6/24/2014
Extremely well written story. Thank you very much for writing this!
Infinitechange chapter 18 . 4/3/2013
Very very awesome story!
beiber4evaaahhhh chapter 18 . 3/22/2013
Type your review for this chapter here...
beiber4evaaahhhh chapter 3 . 3/21/2013
Poor Prowl. May his sire Rust in the Pit.
RagdolDark chapter 18 . 3/6/2013
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOGMOGMO G please tell there's gonna be a sequel? I can't tell you how much I love this... Just... LOVE
ObsidianBttrfly chapter 7 . 4/15/2012
This chapter was very reminiscent of when my father walked out when i was little. Like eerily so. :( All the thoughts and feelings... I remember hanging on his leg like Prowl did promising to be good and pleading. Heck, my mother was in the hospital at the time he left as well. It was the psychiatric hospital because she committed herself, but still...eeeeerrriiilllyy similar even the being left alone part.

On that depressing tmi note- I am really enjoying this story. :)
DemonSurfer chapter 18 . 8/14/2011
Woooooo... one multi-day down, two to go.

I must say, I quite enjoyed this fic. I'm not sure if I've read a Jazz/Prowl that explored the idea that Prowl's logic computer completely twisted his mental growth, and the long-term ramifications of it. And I know it's a weird thing to hear considering the general mindset of this fandom, but I'm actually pleased to find a romantic story that DIDN'T end in screwing.

I can really see how you've grown over the course of this story, and I can't wait for the sequel to come out.
DemonSurfer chapter 8 . 8/10/2011
Aaaagh... I didn't set out tonight to add yet ANOTHER multi-day fic to my list, but as my brain is giving me a "processing capabilities exceeded" error I think it's time to take a break and pick this up again tomorrow.
Kai-Chan94 chapter 18 . 6/11/2011
Such a good ending and you make me want to read the sequel so badly! Don't tempt me woman! Thanks for the awesome story and have a good day!

Daklog73 chapter 18 . 6/11/2011
I'm sad that you've finished, but yet happy at the same time. I have so enjoyed this story! And I love happy endings!

This is truely a wonderful story and I have a few friends that I will be showing this to.

And since you have some other works in mind, I'm officially adding author alerts to you so I know when new stuff is ready for me to enjoy!
Got Buttermilk chapter 18 . 6/11/2011
Done? D': Noooo

Haha, j/k! I loved this! Thank you so much for writing and posting this, it has been greatly entertaining! I wasn't particularly put off by the time-issue (update-wise), it was more like you randomly had a chance to read (and re-read) the story every once in a while. But while I feel very content with the completion of this, I'm certainly looking forward to a potential sequel :D :D Oh yessss!

Again, thank you for writing! And thank you to your beta for being onboard for the ride!

Hopefully I'll see more of you soon!

Take Care
Zea T chapter 18 . 6/11/2011
What a lovely story! I just read this through in one sitting (I'm a bit cliffhanger-phobic) and loved the way you folded the past into the present, and shaped a complex and believable evolution in the characters. The way you brought Jazz and Prowl together - slowly and with complications - was just right, not feeling too rushed, and not drawn out to the point of being overly painful.

I enjoyed the multi-threaded nature of the story, and the glimpse of how profoundly Prowl's early life could shape his actions so many vorns later. I did wonder whether perhaps ConAir was dealt with a little too quickly. It almost felt like there were missing scenes - Jazz joining the search for Prowl (and seeing that alarming pool of energon left behind) and the Decepticons' reactions to their new toy going missing (and discovering his energon theft), for example - that might have stretched out the tension a little longer. Having said that, the mere fact that I wanted to read more should tell you that I very much enjoyed the story and was drawn into the lives you wove for the characters.

Prowl and Jazz were spot on, of course, and I'm glad that you had them leading separate (if occasionally intersecting) lives rather than simply being everything to one another from youngling-hood. It made their different perspective on things and slowly developing relationship all the more believable. I can see Prowl being a character who takes a very long time to feel real friendship, even without the logic centre, and it was interesting to see Jazz worming his way into Prowl's spark through familiarity and undemanding friendship before anything further developed. I also enjoyed your portrayal of the other characters. Ratchet's grumpy compassion was just right, and I simply adore the way you show Sideswipe and his relationship with Prowl - awkward and confrontational but far from hostile and with a certain degree of mutual respect.

I would very much love to see a sequel - I'm afraid I'd probably wait for it to complete before reading it (sorry!), but I'd be waiting with eager anticipation. The outline you mention here sounds like it has a lot of potential for more angst and drama. I'd like to see more interaction between Jazz and all three Datsons too. You had an interesting family dynamic going on, and I wonder if Jazz is the bridge the three of them need to find some common ground in the middle. In any case, whatever you decide to do, I just wanted to say that I very much enjoyed this story and thank you for sharing it with us!
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