Reviews for The All American Rejects
Guest chapter 34 . 6/2/2019
I'm not even mad. Just disappointed.
PeppermintImp chapter 43 . 2/12/2016
Scratch that about reading the sequel, shame it didnt happen! I would have liked to read it!
PeppermintImp chapter 42 . 2/12/2016
Oh my god what a great story! Your james was kind of a dick but i liked him anyway and i loved the whole thing with remus and his family! Definitely gonna read the sequel! You have to tell me what happened to lily and james though, that was too sad, AU usually means that they survive!
Guest chapter 21 . 6/29/2015
Guest chapter 20 . 6/29/2015
Why is James acting like such a dick :-( he's not the Jamie I know :'(
Guest chapter 18 . 6/29/2015
Kdkdjdj they better get back togetherjdjdjdh
Harry1675 chapter 15 . 10/7/2014
*imagines Regulus is just out that door, listening, sitting, maybe even reading a book...while listening...and eating an Apple
Harry1675 chapter 13 . 10/7/2014
and just how the hell does Reg know he's not sober!?
Harry1675 chapter 1 . 10/7/2014
Grey eyes covered by thin, rectangle, black framed glasses, spiky black hair, two perfectly straight rows of dazzling white teeth all set with smooth, soft features and finished off by an irresistible crooked smile." Ohmygosh ohmygosh oh. my sweet,baby Merlin! I love you forever now! That is just absolutely perfectly amazing how he looks!
Guest chapter 22 . 9/18/2014
Okay, I know I promised a review at the end, but I just don't think ill get there. Its not that the story is bad. It is in fact very good and very well written. It just isn't quite my cup of tea if you well. Please don't be offended. I do think you are a very talented writer, but this story is giving me sad feels and I'm not in the mood for sad feels this morning. Thank you though for writing a great story. I'm sure the ending is just as good as the beginning. :)

Guest chapter 11 . 9/17/2014
I like this so far. There's a better review coming at the end of the story, I promise. But I have to ask; was that an intentional Modern Family reference with Mitch and Cam, or simply coincidence?
GlambertMatt chapter 43 . 4/14/2014
So even in your AU universe Lily and James died? That made me a little bit sad, though I was happy that Harry was around in the end, even though I was not expecting dead parents for him.

Well written story, I am glad Sirius and Remus had a happy ending. It was well written and it kept me captivated the entire time, I do wish there was a sequel though because it was so good.

GlambertMatt chapter 36 . 4/13/2014
I just wanted to drop another review and let you know I am loving this story still. I am interested to find out what is going to happen with them all going off to college. I am not entirely familiar with American graduation and such like being Australian that but I have a general idea because surprisingly it is in a lot of TV shows and movies.

A couple chapters ago I was glad that you clarified where all those places were, I mean I knew that California and NY were on opposite sides but I had no idea about Connecticut. I don't think I went there when I visited the states. Mostly I was in Florida to go to the HP world at Universal and then at Vegas recreating our own version of the hangover.

GlambertMatt chapter 14 . 4/13/2014
Haha YAY finally, I was hoping that moment was going to come soon. It was really well written and I am so glad Remus didn't need too much time. Haha.

GlambertMatt chapter 12 . 4/13/2014
I just wanted to leave another quick review and say that I think it is so awesome that you have all these familiar names in your alternate universe - like Honeydukes, Ollivander, The Burrow. Really cool idea.

I don't like Jeffery, he is a jerk, and I am dubious about Cam given the looks he was giving Sirius. I wish those two would get together already, or at least Remus will realize what an idiot Regulus is. Same with James, though I want him and Lily together.

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