Reviews for Fire Down Under
Runecutter chapter 3 . 8/21/2012
Well that was disturbing. Thanks for a lot of pretty disgusting images now planted firmly in my mind...

How can you be so cruel and heartless to Harry? Not one but FIVE such horrid wives?
Celexs Draconia chapter 1 . 10/16/2010
could be interesting to see how this plays out my vote is option 1

Mutantkillerfrog chapter 3 . 3/26/2010
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Cateagle chapter 3 . 2/28/2010
Amusing, even Fate has bad days. I wonder if that's why she gives them to others? It'll be rather interesting to see what steps she takes to untangle this mess; especially if she does get intimate with Harry.
Cateagle chapter 2 . 2/27/2010
Hmm, that's going to be an interesting change, no matter what door he picks. I thought the enoucnter with Padfoot to be rather amusing and I'm looking forward to seeing what choice he makes and what eventuates from it. I do hope he manages to pull out of the morass he's in at the start.
Slytherin66 chapter 3 . 2/27/2010
Great chapter liked fate but I liked Harry's thinking regarding fate. I look forward to what happens next and I hope there is revenge and a review in fates's future.
Slytherin66 chapter 2 . 2/26/2010
A very good chapter and option two all the way so he gets new WAY better wives and he should get revenge on everybody take the gold that is all his back and then some, makes Ginny and the other work off their debt with the wizards of the world if need be but it would be better if they got pregnant by other men, men with no gold, little magic and no brains or they should get an STD that no magic can fix.

Harry should totaly crush everybody and everything that has caused him pain or trouble. After he gets revenge he should go to another country but only after causing chaos in the UK. Poor Harry I am sure the only reason Harry went with Ginny in the books was a Weasley love potion I look forward to the next chapter.
JohnnyKR51 chapter 1 . 2/26/2010
Lol, cool parody. I think i prefer 3rd continuation "Harry gets bailed out of Hozkaban by a mystery savior".
Slytherin66 chapter 1 . 2/26/2010
Very true about Harry I say go for option 3. Harry gets bailed out of Hozkaban (tm) by a mystery savior
Cateagle chapter 1 . 2/25/2010
Personally, I prefer ending #1 where he gets it all together and then puts his "ladies" where they won't bother anyone again. Either that or he finds a way to fake his own death and takes off for somewhere far away; I'm sure he'd have no trouble finding somewhere to go, though diguising his magical signature might take a bit more doing.

Still...'twould appear that such a move is warranted.