Reviews for The Tulip Lounge
smut1956 chapter 1 . 8/10/2010
Seductive from the beat of the music to all the smoky vibes in that bar and then a nice payoff. I like being inside Stella's head as she walks off the date and walks into her future.

One small point: you have her ordera margherita, then mention she's sipping a martini then go back to the margherita. You might want to fix that because nothing should detract from a well written story.

Thanks for sharing.

Kat's in the cradle chapter 1 . 4/25/2010
Beautiful story! Not overly sappy or dramatic. Very well-written. I enjoyed it immensely. ]
Stardust585 chapter 1 . 3/15/2010
Now I'm officially your fan:) This was beyond amazing!

I really like your style and the way you use words - the description of Stella's wandering in thought was really great - mixing her musings with the descriptions of her surroundings was outstanding:)

And if this was your first time writing first person, you should definitely do it more b/c this rocked:) and you've nailed Stella:)

As for the Tulip itself - I had an inkling that you'd have Stella meet Mac somehow that evening but you still managed to surprise me - good job:) I loved how you've described Mac thorugh Stella's eyes at the bar and earlier during the walk - the eyes, the smirk, his behaviour - it was perfect!

And the ending was so moving and heart-warming! I'm really at a loss for words! Great job and thank you for this story:)
No one chapter 1 . 3/4/2010
This was lovely and something that I could see happening between them towards the end of the series. The situation seemed natural rather than contrived unlike many of the other fics that people write.

Just one thing - "accustomed to" is the phrase you wanted not "a custom to"
hammer227 chapter 1 . 2/27/2010
*melts* now i wanna a man like Mac too!lol, amazing fic, really really loved it!
Andorian Ice Princess-AIP chapter 1 . 2/27/2010
Yay not a death fic! :)

Well it was very good for your first foray into the mind of stella. Yes perfection is overrated but hmm Mac is perfect how she was surprised that Mac was playing but he wasn't surprised to see her there.

Liked their taking a chance to dance without a dance floor and all the onlookers watching. Very sweet ending. THank you

smackedluver10 chapter 1 . 2/26/2010
OMG! That was a Wonderfully CUTE story!

Really good, and well written!

this really good to be your first one!

Keep up the AWESOME work
lily moonlight chapter 1 . 2/26/2010
I really enjoyed reading this, it was a very satisfying story, and a pleasure to read to the end and see the conclusion. I liked how you wrote the first person and how you put down Stella's thoughts and feelings, and I could picture clearly the scene as she walks along and as she makes her decisions and analyses her feelings. It was a great scene at the bar, loved the atmosphere you created there, and how you wrote Mac and her view of him. A lovely moment when they dance and the ending was excellent.
csi-ncis chapter 1 . 2/26/2010
aww that was awesome! So bold of them both and they just kinda let flow out of them!
Lenni George chapter 1 . 2/26/2010
I'm not a shipper, but I really liked this story. It was well written and perfect in first person!
StellaBonaseraTaylor chapter 1 . 2/26/2010

Wow, amazing is the least I can say to describe this fic.:)

First I want to say that my English isn't very good. So I apologize for my mistakes.

Second you write beautifully, is very easy to follow the story and clearly I could close my eyes and imagine all the scenes and this was possible thanks to a wealth of details of your history. I really see here the same Stella that I see and I love on the show.

I wish I had the same talent that you have to write just so I could describe in this review how much I loved this fic.

I really would love to see this happening in some future episode.

You're really brilliant, your writing addictive, holds the attention who are reading. I truly enchanted with your work and with the sweet and passionate way that you write. I hope to read other stories from you soon.

It's really a wonderful fic.

Ballettmaus chapter 1 . 2/26/2010
Hey... I'm not nearly as good in writing reviews as you are, always feel a bit clumsy but I'll try ;-)

I really enjoyed it, really liked the images you created and sort of felt like I was wandering along with Stella. It almost was like the beginning of a movie when you have a voice over as the story starts.

I liked how you got her into the bar, that was a sweet idea and how it went from there. It was really light reading and very enjoyable. :-)
Wildweasel chapter 1 . 2/26/2010
Wow, pretty good! That was a nice drive toward Mac and Stella coming to exchange their first kiss. I loved it, you used Mac's guitar skills and Stella spontaneity to make it work great!

Hope to read more from you soon.

Keep up the good work!

rocksmacked chapter 1 . 2/26/2010
Very Nicely! Love it! How lovely!