Reviews for Truth or Dare!
lostinthebookstore chapter 1 . 12/29/2018
Nico swap clothes with Will!
Mia2005 chapter 1 . 7/26/2017
Ask Chiron if you can ride on his back or tell Mr. D that grapes suck
Fearling001 chapter 1 . 10/24/2014
have thalia kiss will or punch conner and travis or scream out loud she loves justin bibear
I'maguest chapter 1 . 1/4/2014
Hiya! Okay, so here are the truths:
Nico- who is the prettiest girl playing?
Percy- if Annabeth broke up with you, who would you date?
Travis- do you like Katie Gardener?
Clarisse- if you had to pick a favorite god that's not your father, who would it be?
Andi- who is the hottest guy playing?
Juniper- have you ever seen any other satyrs you liked?
Grover- who have you dated before Juniper.
Okay, so here are the dares-
Thalia- to drink fifteen bottles of any type of soda.
Grover- to kiss another tree for 1 minute.
Clarisse- to put a "I hate Ares!" t-shirt on and act like a big softy for the rest of the game.
Stacy- throw all of your makeup into the lake.
Travis- to admit his "un-dying" love for Katie.
If I learn the ships that you will do I can make more.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/29/2013
Have Luke make out with Annabeth in front of percy and have her like it
Sorry I love percebeth but that would make a good dare
You should have apolo make out with artimis and her like it
Guest chapter 1 . 9/29/2013
Can Thaila kiss nico? And can you bring in the gods and have Athena and Poseidon make out ? Then make them like each other, Truth percy and ask him if he has ever kissed any one but annabeth and have him say Rachel? Bring the stolls and truth Conner if he is a girl and can you make him one? Please!
Elmlea chapter 1 . 5/13/2013
Truth - Thalia if she hadn't become a hunter, who would she date and why?
Dare - Grover eat a steak burger
Truth - Juniper who were her crushes before Grover
Dare - Nico prank call Ares
Truth - Will which god does he think he is more powerful than
Dare - Travis be locked in a cabin with Katie for 30 mins (I think you should add Katie somehow)
Truth - Stacy - if she had to make-out with a girl who would she choose
Dare - Connor confess his undying love to his crush in front of the entire camp
Truth - Andi what is the most annoying thing about Percy
Dare - Clarisse let the Aphrodite cabin give her a full make-over
Truth - Annabeth if Luke hadn't turned into Kronos would she date him
Dare - Percy play Seven Minutes In Heaven with Annabeth
Guest chapter 1 . 8/15/2012
Thalia should choose dare and it should be to shock Percy with a lightning bolt
awesomedingo chapter 1 . 5/10/2012
make thalia kiss nico
Percabethlover chapter 1 . 10/15/2011
You started this in 2010! continue it here is a dare have annabeth lap dnace on Percys lap Have Nico ask Artemis to come then have him fake propose to thalia then Kiss and make out with her Dare the stolls to get a makeover from the Aphrodite girls with a hot pink Prom dress pink lipstick high hills and pink nail polish all permanen P.S. i am a boy : D ยก
qwertyuiop chapter 1 . 9/24/2011
dare 4 percy go and bring up some soil from the middel of the lake
qwertyuiop chapter 1 . 9/24/2011
truth for stacy do u go out weith boys just to break their heart
MsAwesome chapter 1 . 7/13/2011
Thalia should make out w/ Nico :)
SeaOfWisdom18 chapter 1 . 6/4/2011
Omg thalia...she should do something that would really infuriate annabeth like... kissing percy or.. omg! I got it! She should give a "lap dance" to percy. That would send annabeth right over the edge. DONT LET PPERCY ENJOY IT THOUGH. ok maybe let him hate it then just hang in complete shockatwhat she had done.
Too Lazy To Log In chapter 1 . 3/16/2011
Thalia's Dare is to kiss Nico for an hour or until someone BARFS!

(Sorry, got that from another truth or dare thing)
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