Reviews for Burn
Shegoessoboldy chapter 14 . 2/24/2016
Hi,i have really enjoyed your story thus far. I love the originality you gave your OC and i love your Data. It started off slow the first couple chapters but dang it was worth it you got me on the edge of my seat with chapter 14.
Omg and when bethulia finished fighting the borg and turned to look at angery af data that was priceless and i was hyperventilating slightly hahahaha that was fun.
And i love how this is a long triangle between her ,picard,and data
Course it would be wonderful to see yoi update your story but honestly you dhouldnt rely on reviews or faves to keep you going. You have a badass story with so much potential and you should have the passion to wanna finish it regardless.
Elvira Silver chapter 14 . 11/6/2014
Please write more. I am very enthralled by this story.
Avalanet chapter 14 . 7/16/2013
This review shall be worth ten to feed your muse! :)
Nakia-Park23 chapter 14 . 2/8/2013
This is turning out really good. It's really intriguing. I can't wait to see what other race she comes from & why her eyes turn red like that. Her master sounds like a prick but I guess he has his reasons for acting as such. So far I see the possible relationship to Picard but not seeing the Data one yet but I guess that'll develope in time. Such a cliffhanger to be left on. I'm worried about Judith & Jean Luc. Please update soon I will be waiting at the edge of my seat.
HollyFire chapter 14 . 11/10/2012
Awesome story! Looking forward to more :)
Guest chapter 14 . 10/16/2012
I am loving this story, the characters are great, I so hope it will not be long until the next .
Guest chapter 14 . 4/11/2012
It's been forever since you've updated this but it's to good to let it end! Please update! Love it 3
Kidda47 chapter 14 . 8/1/2011
Sorry, I forgot to sign in for my other reveiw... see Chapter 1 reveiws, Krystle171...

Krystle171 chapter 1 . 8/1/2011
First of all, understand I'm not here to flame. I do like your story and am subscribing. So don't delete this, yes, compared to the other reveiws I AM pretty pessimistic. But you'll get one of these reveiws sooner or later.

*Ahem* This is completly Mary Sue story *Ahem*. I don't mean to insult you, but could you have made her a little more perfect? I mean, seriously, take the Sue test and see how high you rate... *sigh* Ok. Second of all... TWO men are in love with her? Ok I get Data isn't in love with her YET (and I do hope yet, because Data is my favourite character and I'm pretty much in love with him :P) but I'm guessing within the next chapter or so he's gonna realize under all that anger, he loves her ;)

However, you have an AMAZING writing style, it makes the Judith beleivable, and the fact that you have the canon characters so, well, written, (except for the fact that they're all drawn to her) makes the story awesome. And in spite of all I said about perfect stories, I actually tend to *gulp* like perfect stories, in a very strange way. PROPS to you for making me giggle out loud at the pool scene, I could just IMAGINE her switch between *I'll take those clothes, thank you weird person who comes to the pool in the middle of the night and dare watch me naked* to *OH MY GOD! IT'S THE CAPTAIN! I never should have locked the door, or undressed, or WHAT AM I GONNA DOOOO?* Yeah I exageratted. But this is quite a story developing, and I DEMAND for more, soon! ;)
Ke11iente chapter 14 . 7/29/2011
You do realize you HAVE to finish this, right? Your portrayal of the cannon characters is wonderful- I can hear their dialogue in their voices when I read it, which is always a good indication that you've properly captured the spirit of the character. I've also enjoyed your original character and can't wait to see what mythology you're going to work into her origins from a scifi angle. I'm sure such an audacious story must present you with many difficulties, but please, keep going! You've set up a really fascinating story and some budding romances that I would really like to see play out till the end.
Dread Pirate chapter 14 . 6/13/2011
I must say, I like the OC you've created here. She's just so at odds with the TV version of TNG in such a glorious way: I bet it would never have occurred to Paramount to chuck a genuine trained killer into the crew, with all that background. She's what Ro Laren should have been like, in many ways. And your descriptive work is very lucid.
AxelsKitty chapter 14 . 3/20/2011
omg would love to learn what happens next. i went browsing for a quick read and got so ensnared in this story that i didn't stop until i had read all 14 chapters and you have left me feigning for even more. i want to know who she goes for. does she fall for picard or does she go for data?(please don't give data a broken heart) and do they win against the borg? does the starfleet secrets come out? there are still too many questions unanswered and i desperately need more! (please)
snapeissexy chapter 14 . 3/12/2011
charley.vandra chapter 2 . 12/30/2010
"There was sure to be some distracted men on board" ~ that's too funny!

I like this story and detail you have put into it, but there is one thing I'm a little bummed about; Picard already seems to like like her. I usually like to read about the attraction to be gradual and slow. But this is cool, too.

And that part about the hem on his shirt; perfect!
charley.vandra chapter 1 . 12/30/2010
I am definitely interested in your OC character.
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