Reviews for In the Following Order
OhShirleyUJest chapter 1 . 4/19/2012
This is great! I kinda wondered about that moment...

The characterizations were great, and I especially liked the line about rearranging Gus's desk drawers; that's just such a Shawn thing! Furthermore, buzzed Lassie was very well done... The logic was very lassiterian - which, isn't a word, but... It fits.
krissy1317 chapter 1 . 4/21/2011
Such a sweet story! Your logic is totally sound, though. I personally didn't think of it that way, but I can see Lassie being the noble one and willing to be eaten in order to save the rest of the gang, if necessary. Thanks for writing!
Lauren chapter 1 . 3/18/2010
You did great things with shawn's question. I really like how you explore Shawn and Calton's relationship. I definitely think Lassiter would have thought about his answer in detail and I could totally see Lassiter using the logic that you presented. I really liked your description of why the team of Lassiter, Spencer, Guster and O'hara works so well. I definitely agree that Lassiter is Shawn's reality check. On a lighter note I really enjoyed the pineapple references. I think you explore a typically unseem side of Shawn and Lassiter's relationship while maintainig the essence of the show, and staying true to the characters Well done overall, an entertaining story with great food for thought.
Niente Zero chapter 1 . 3/10/2010
Outstanding. Didn't think Lassie was out of character. He does have his moments of verbosity. His reasoning is ... well, only Lassiter would have reasoned it all through to that level of detail. Liked Shawn's reactions too. Very nice character exploration.
n chapter 1 . 3/8/2010
nice! Love your reasoning for Lassiter's order on who he eats in such a situation. Lassie is such a great partner.