Reviews for Not Like Us
percychased chapter 1 . 3/24/2013
This is perfect. It shows the point of racism perfectly... and the way Angelina felt about it. Great job.
gooseberrie chapter 1 . 2/22/2011
Very well done! I love the idea (no, I'm not racist, I just meant I thought it was original). I had actually thought about the fact that racism is never mentioned in HP, apart from blood status. I love this story! Going in my favourites :)
opaque-girl chapter 1 . 6/29/2010
I loved it!

I think you captured Fred's characterization spot on. In the beg, he was funny, just the way Fred is, but when required he was there to comfort Angelina and be there like a good friend.. :)

I loved these bits:

"We're not here for a room," he explained, chuckling. "Just the food."

"You can cry," he whispered into her ear, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a warm hug. She was hesitant at first, but as the events of the night hit her, she could feel her knees giving way, and she collapsed into Fred, crying heavily.
I Dance Alone chapter 1 . 6/15/2010
This is so sad and realistic. It's wonderfully written. Good job.
butterflymuppet chapter 1 . 4/14/2010
Interesting concept. I always wondered if there would have been racism in the wizarding world but the books only ever refer to the blood issue so I never really thought about it that much. Good job though, very original :)!
Paper Pearls chapter 1 . 4/3/2010
Sad, sweet and very easy for me to relate to. Racism crops up when you least expect it, and I haven't read many fics that dealt with the topic. You tackled it beautifully by hinting towards Angelina's past and kept her and Fred firmly in character. It was very well written- great job.
lonely hands chapter 1 . 3/19/2010
Poor Angelina! This was a really great piece! Very imaginative and is made all the better by being Fred/Angelina. Loved it :)
22orphan.accounts chapter 1 . 3/15/2010
Interesting story.

It was very original. That kind of discrimination is unexpevted in the Wizarding World. (2 points)

But it didn't make sense. You should explain better why they don't like people "not like them". I know there's no explanation in racism but when you add it in a different world it must have a backgound or at least some preparation. (1/2 point)

Your grammar had some problems... (1 point)

As for the characters Fred was ok but 'd like to see more of him. And Angelina... I don't know something was not right about her. (1/2 point)

Prompt: ok, it's just the way it is. (2 points)

Overall 6/10
iMissHP chapter 1 . 3/15/2010
It was really interesting and original to see how you mixed discrimination in muggle world and wizard world. Also, I liked how you developed both characters. But to be honest, I had thought it was a humour fic; when the waiter said “she's not like us”, I thought it was because she was a girl, I don't know why, though.

Anyway, I think it was original to have a muggle discrimination in wizard world. The title was a little 'easy', but I liked your fic!

Penelope Fiction chapter 1 . 3/14/2010
Hi. Your story was well written, if not a little short. I don't read a lot of stories concerning Angelina, but it worked.

Spelling and Grammar kind of failed here. Maybe you don't use Microsoft or something, but I found heaps of mistakes.

Was it relevant? Not exactly. The story was meant to be about discrimination within the wizarding world and this was more about her being...dark skinned. Which is more in the Muggle world. But the story was still good, so I'll give you half.

Did it flow? Yeah. I felt sympathy for Angelina when you explained how her childhood had been. And I felt excited when Angelina didn't know what Fred had prepared as a surprise for her. I also liked your use of a lyric in the final sentence.

The characterization? Great. I loved your portrayal of Fred, especially.

Relationships? Lovely. Angelina and Fred are one of my favourite couples and you certainly did them justice.

Final score:

Jemennuie chapter 1 . 3/13/2010
The Fred/Angelina interactions are sweet, and the idea of there being racism in the Wizarding World isn't touched upon very often, but it does seem very realistic. Fred's ending realization is both sad and chilling. Quick comment: the last "something's" shouldn't have an apostrophe, I don't think, since "something is never change" sounds odd to me, so it's probably supposed to just be the plural "somethings". Anyways, good job!
verity candor chapter 1 . 3/10/2010
Really fascinating idea. I thought the last line really captured the idea of the fic very well (though I think she should have let Fred hit the waiter - idiots like that shouldn't be let off scot-free). Lovely fic.