Reviews for Normal Enough
sudenmorssian chapter 1 . 2/1
Love this! So sweet
Adrianna Sharp chapter 1 . 12/4/2017
This is fantastic. I particularly loved the part where Minako was trying to figure out where Kunzite was and then she sees him. It felt so raw and real and I could picture those moments so clearly. This story is wonderful and I hope to see more from you with the Minako x Kunzite pairing.
Lalaith Yamainu chapter 1 . 10/12/2011
Awww... I always love the little glimpses of Minako's serious side.
sparrowflyaway chapter 1 . 7/9/2011
Awesome. Totally Awesome. that's all I can find to say about this fic.
six23 chapter 1 . 11/29/2010
Your characterization is so dead-on perfect I can't help but smile.

"No, he's stupid with girls" is too awesome for one sentence, so it gets three. The whole moment with Rei in the background and Mamoru's oblivious, likable stupidity and Usagi's optimism is too delicious and too apt. It's just too everything.

There's a light, vaporous humor hanging just on the edge of this story with a bite of real-world truth that I can't put a name to (except the copiously long one just now) that I adore.

And there aren't enough stories centered around the friendship of Mamoru and the Senshi where he isn't the creepy guy kissing the blonde girl in some shadowy background alley.

So kudos to you, missy (I'm assuming you're a girl here). Kudos to you and sparkling cider toasts all around. Pop bottles, missy (still a girl, hopefully).
sailorashes chapter 1 . 3/11/2010
this was really good!
Barblyn chapter 1 . 3/10/2010
I like this story, you should write more Venus/Kunzite stuff.
celtic dreamer chapter 1 . 3/9/2010
this was really good. It was an original take and very heartfelt.