Reviews for The Unsung Hero
Kamai6 chapter 1 . 5/13/2011
Beautiful, but I almost felt as if the ending wasn't quite complete...

Still, that was fantastic!


lastrequest chapter 1 . 7/15/2010
This fic so needs a sequel!
CatzChaos chapter 1 . 3/14/2010
So good. I like how you wrote this from both perspectives.
melissaadams22 chapter 1 . 3/13/2010
Hey there,

WOW this is a GREAT job on a story. Fantastic and I really did enjoy this immensely/greatly and terrificly. :-D GREAT job, keep it up.

Miss Pookamonga chapter 1 . 3/13/2010
OMG you must write more! *flails* Maybe you are "unable" (psh, nonsense) to write full-out fluff, but you are a master of subtlety, which is just as squee-worthy :D I absolutely love how Helen noticed Niko's eyes first, and that little bit about how she decided that his smile complimented them better _ See? It's the little things that make it so lovely, and you're really good at putting those elements in. :D

Besides, with all these challenges, you'll be writing fluff by the end of the year. No worries LOL


Miss Pookamonga aka Mimzy ;p
D.K. Rhoswen chapter 1 . 3/13/2010
This was so cute! i really liked it! particularly that line about a part of Nikola's heart attaching forever to Helen...omg that was so amazingg! haha. wonderful job! ]

3 Keaira
hopeful.inspiration chapter 1 . 3/13/2010
Wonderful fic! What I really enjoyed about this were the descriptions, 'silken voice', 'delicate fingers', 'startling bright eyes' really makes this fic stand out from the norm. Lovely!

'Nikola felt a piece of his heart tear itself away and attach itself forever to this vision.' - It's a single sentence, but it says and implies so much. Beautiful.

What a wonderful version of a first meeting between these two, even if Helen can't remember it. Who can forget Nikola's smile? Impossible! )

Nicely done. Wonderfully written!
HelenMagnusCarter chapter 1 . 3/13/2010
Well, cute fiction ... don't really know what to say ... xD

Good job ... very good job I like it ! :)