Reviews for A Different Universe
Guest chapter 9 . 6/21
I cant find the smut of the story on aff
Guest chapter 1 . 6/8
Note to self: this is the one where Hermione has to for some unknown reason masturbate with sex toys her mother bought her.
Guest chapter 23 . 6/3
...where is the rest of the story?
Guest chapter 10 . 6/3
Was the first part of this story an exercise to see how many times you could work the word "indiation/s" into a story? If so, you were successful.
Guest chapter 9 . 6/3
I'm honestly rather glad the sex scene (they're not fruits...they're sex scenes) is posted elsewhere. This story is really great and doesn't need to be brought down to a "Harry put his penis in Hermione's vagina" level. Some stories do need smut to keep readers interested; this one is good enough that it doesn't.
Anon chapter 13 . 5/11
That was...weird.
TomHRichardson chapter 4 . 5/5
Chapter 4 (the reading of Sirius Black's will)—

Lots of good drama in this chapter. And the will itself was cleverly composed by you, dunuelos. As somebody remarks in Chapter 6, now Harry knows who his enemies are, but those same enemies have been neutralised.
salyl-jarlyjraneol chapter 23 . 4/27
Esperando el siguiente capitulo a pesar de los años. Éxitos
Sextant chapter 23 . 3/3
Such a shame this was never finished. One of the best stories outmthere.
MastrDragn chapter 23 . 2/17
I really liked what I've read of this story. It is my wish that one day you might decide to finish it.
WhiteEagle1985 chapter 22 . 2/16
Are you gonna update this soon? I want to know what happens next!
Schirman chapter 1 . 1/25
I really enjoyed this story and I wish you would finish it.
N7SPARTAN-Commander-Jay117 chapter 22 . 1/25
Those two are cute. You should really finish this story, its one of the better 'Harry' fixes things out there.
N7SPARTAN-Commander-Jay117 chapter 5 . 1/24
Love this story every time I read it. Hope if get an ending one day.
N7SPARTAN-Commander-Jay117 chapter 1 . 1/24
Fraking love this story, all your stories really, but you should finish this one cuz its awesome.
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