Reviews for Exile's Birth
MattKennedy chapter 4 . 4/25/2017
Cool story! :)
Seimika chapter 4 . 11/11/2013
i really hope the other alex could forgive the buffy verse one after all it is not his fault that he was given his powers the powers that be just chucked him into a different reality without really checking so i hope he comes to that conclusion
tarrangar chapter 4 . 8/10/2013
love this story hope its not discontinued
Zyanadryn chapter 4 . 1/25/2012
i hope you continue one day
Segamarvel chapter 4 . 7/8/2011
Good story so far, but when are you going to update your SpiderBro Story?
Haruchai chapter 4 . 6/16/2011
Huh. That could be bad. I rather hate how Xander's appearance affected the original Xander in this story. I hope it won't end badly for either Xanders or worse than it already is at least.
jabbarulez chapter 4 . 6/15/2011
Epic! my personal choice for powers would be related to genius intellect and technological innovation. i might also go with gambits powers just to be able to blow things up! BOOM! can't wait for next chap!

Downer chapter 3 . 6/15/2011
Was reading this and i can't believe any kid that read or watched X-men would leave out Wolverine. Especially if your trying to get a power that's really really useful but not world ending powerful. If your a true fan then you know why i said "world ending" and not super powerful. Damn comic writers keeps changing how strong wolverine is... i remember when he first came on the scene he was able to go toe to toe with the likes of Hulk and Magneto and dodge bullets... then they nerf him to barely beating second rate villians and getting knocked out with one blow to the head... then they have him taking out the entire x-men on his own... then they nerf him again... bah!

Also Iceman and Gambit... i think they were Omega class mutants at one point... but the Marvel-verse is so hard to follow. I think Willow should've gotten Scarlet Witches power (for obvious reasons :P ) or Marvel Girls. Jesse should've got Juggarnaut, Colosus or Mr Sinister. And Xander should've got Wolverine or anyone else with a rapid healing ability.

It's just i think with everything Xander went through with watching his best friend and other people die that he would want to choose powers that would make him and his friends durable and hard to kill.

You picked some cool heroes, especially Gambit and Jean but after experiencing death on a personal level i would honestly think anyone would choose powers that make you really really hard to kill.
ranma hibiki chapter 4 . 6/14/2011
how would the deaths be rendered null from the halloween spell because of alex? i would think that the whole reason the powers sent xander was because they couldn't be brought back (cept by banishing xander)..odd


the roots remind me of either poison ivy (batman) or shodaime (naruto)..but i could be wrong an it's something else
Bobboky chapter 4 . 6/14/2011
X chapter 4 . 6/14/2011
Mister Terrific doesnt have super ingeligence powers
FTFCHRIS chapter 3 . 5/22/2011
Enjoyed the story till the last part. Evil Xander clone ftl.
sniper757 chapter 3 . 4/24/2011
i was liking it until the new xander appeared. other then that it was good
Shraikor chapter 3 . 3/30/2011
Bravo! cant wait to see what happens next!
ranma hibiki chapter 3 . 2/22/2011
now thats a scary thought..but i can see why alex/xander would go nuts. he just had his wife die and it was sort of his fault, sort of not. (
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