Reviews for The Heat is in the Tools
Guest chapter 24 . 5/6
Absolutely AMAZING! I spent a while looking for a really GOOD Alcide feature since he is def my favorite ( w/ Eric as a close 2nd), but could only find a short page or two fan-fic "hook-up" scattered here and there. Coming across your story had me giddy when I saw '20 Chapters' and your work didn't disappoint. Thanks a million and Brava!
HartleySkarsgard chapter 25 . 2/27/2019
Wee bit angsty but this was great. My first Sookie/Alcide pairing and I was pleasantly surprised, since I usually hate seeing her with anyone other than the Viking sex god. :)
maipigen chapter 25 . 7/28/2018
great story, the first of this pairing I've ever read but probably not the last :D Thanks for sharing!
Guest chapter 25 . 6/2/2016
Omg. I loved this! :)
Guest chapter 25 . 5/31/2016
Omg. This was superb! ;) I love me some Alcide and Sookie! Ty!
dogtracker55 chapter 25 . 3/27/2016
Great story, loved this Alcide despite being a committed Eric fan. Nothing like a bit of variety! Your writing style is terrific and I now plan to read all your stuff. Thanks again xx
Guest chapter 25 . 9/23/2013
Yum. Just read the whole thing. Super hot. Thanks for writing.
kleannhouse chapter 24 . 5/26/2013
read this story all over agian and loved every minute of it, thank you for sharing... and yes the man -whore was Eric i laughed again when i read it... my best Kristie
CherryWolf713 chapter 25 . 5/19/2013
This was such an amazing story! I was hooked instantly and spent the last few hours ignoring everything to focus on this story. I'm a HUGE 'True Blood' fan and Alcide is def my main pic for Sookie (I disliked Bill from episode/book 1 so I was just waiting for someone like Alcide to come along...) You really made this story engaging and entertaining and down-right awesome.

codiroo chapter 25 . 11/26/2012
Great job! Wish more people would write Alcide stories I just can't seem to get enough f him!
Bubblesroolz chapter 25 . 8/20/2012
this is an awesome story and i think imion love. with a 6'5" man. damn you and making him so awesomely sexy :D
Sleepy Lotus chapter 2 . 2/7/2012
I really enjoy your writing style, its entertaining and descriptive, and the way you handle our characters here is quite well done. And the premise is creative too, I look forward to reading more. :)
ladyfire26 chapter 25 . 11/8/2011
I read the whole story and as before...I wasn't disappointed! I really like Alcide..and this Alcide was AWESOME! Your on my favorite authors list...and this story is no exception! Love your stories...keep up the good work!

Jaguarsolaris chapter 25 . 9/16/2011
just read your story in one go! love it! i love me some alcide and sookie!
deletepleasexamillion chapter 25 . 8/31/2011
Great story. I enjoyed the premise and every chapter. I finished it in one sitting! :)
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