Reviews for Confessions of a Male Escort
Guest chapter 16 . 6/26
HURRY UP? You said you got the urge to write on this again? ITS BEEN A YEAR?
Donna0330 chapter 10 . 4/14
Just so pissed off by Sam in last chapter. Harry is dying in any minute, but Sam still refuses to burn that damn empty factory to save him as soon as possible. Wow, that’s really damn impressive. Stupid boy really needs to grow up.
Donna0330 chapter 9 . 4/14
Hell the interactions between Harry and Dean are soooooooooooo cute. I have to say both Ardy/Harry and Dean/Harry pairings are lovely, except current Sam/Harry. XD
Donna0330 chapter 9 . 4/13
I have completely changed my mind on Sam/Harry pairing in the middle of the story. Sam acts like a coward! I bet that perhaps I’m not the only one who loves Ardifiel/Harry! They’re so cute!
stacyleedam25 chapter 16 . 2/12
Please update this story is so good and can't wait to see what happens next
Aya chapter 8 . 8/23/2019
Hmmm, I think I like Ardifiel/Harry. Very much, really~! 3
Benthos chapter 16 . 8/13/2019
Man, I found this from ao3 and hot damn do I love this! It's really great and I love how fleshed out it is- like the part where Ardifiel was like 'yo sam, harry has his needs and you're not acting smart. Hurry, hare' and then he didn't and the tortoise,harry, got to the finish line without him (aka cutting it off) really surprised me.
Jess chapter 14 . 8/4/2019
I'm sorry I agree Sam's being a dick now but harry acted like a fucking petulant child and fucked an angel pretty much right in front if sam when not long before that hed said that he wouldn't because sam wanted only him, yeahh I get it he was hurt sam didnt want to tell his brother but it wasnt out of shame it was out of fear! This has literally happened to me in my life and my girlfriend didnt go and shag other people because I was scared she helped me tell them! I hate the harry in the story hes just a slut with a sword. It's disgusting. I have no problem with prostitutes but hurting someone and knowing your doing it because they are scared that is the lowest if the low. Then claiming to actually care about that person?! Playing the victim! Disgraceful
emilyhotchner-olicity-bethyl chapter 1 . 7/5/2019
Omg! SAM/HARRY! LIT! I AM ALREADY EXCITED! ALREADY SOLD! I SHIP IT! MY SAM GIRL HEART SINGS! please post this too on archive of our own so more people can read this please please please
JumpingInJoy chapter 16 . 6/1/2019
My jaw did drop and I might have made a little happy dance in my head. So happy that there will more of this and your other storys. Must confess it's been awhile since I read it but I do remember being sad when I got to the last chapter. Aaand I might reread it right now.
Much Love
Mary D. Black2000 chapter 16 . 6/2/2019
Change the final pairing maybe? I really would like Harry with Ardy as endgame after a few more Sam and Harry not working. If not then Dean/Castiel background pairing would satisfy me. I really like this story so I am happy that it’s being continued no matter what.
HarryPotterSlashFreakyFan chapter 16 . 5/29/2019
Hey! I'd like to just take a moment and say how much I love this fic! It's amazing.!
And I can't wait to see what the rewrite looks like..
On that note, is Harry and Sam ever going to get back together? Because I just don't feel the love anymore, Sam did a lot wrong by Harry. It would be so cool if Harry got with Dean instead, but I get that you wanted the little/big bro relationship going on there, which is just super awesome.
Also in chapter 15, you tried to have Harry's old assassination habits come back and I get that, but I honestly don't feel like the whinchesters see just how vicious he can be. It would be amazing if that could be a bit more prominent. Also, demons are just smoke in a body, so if Harry starts seeing them as the people they inhabit then that might go easier.

Anyway, amazing job, I love it and can't wait to see more!
slashluver84 chapter 1 . 5/27/2019
Seems like this will be a good story. However prostitution is not illegal in the Uk and majority do in fact pay taxes.
Sakura lisel chapter 5 . 5/25/2019
*lol* from the 'look of horror' as he stared at his coat and tie, I'm guessing Castiel, in his eternal holy virginal innocence, FINALLY realized what the trio were using HIS clothee for. *lol*
Sakura lisel chapter 1 . 5/24/2019
When Harry moved into the muggle world, you said he opened up a NEW bank account in the muggle world using his money from Gringotts. Depending on how much he had put into the muggle bank before his Gringotts account was sealed by the ministry, why didn't he have the goblins turn about a million or more galleons into legal muggle money, they must have muggle money because what do they do with whatever money muggleborns bring in to be transferred into 'proper' wizarding money? *lol*

Depending on what the goblins would normally use the 'useless' muggle money for once the transfer had been made, Harry could have become rich off all that muggle money just by offering to buy or trade galleons for it from the goblins and had put in his new muggle bank account, in the time he still had before the ministry had his Gringotts accounts shut down and he lost all of his wizarding money. so that he would have been just as rich in the muggle world as he would have been in the
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