Reviews for Wild: The Appendices
Jokerpie chapter 1 . 4/12/2010
i love this its amazing the detail is great.

puking up his guts great lol haha
Sienna03 chapter 1 . 4/6/2010
A very entertaining snapshot of the pair; I've been a fan of Wild for your vivid writing style and have been religiously checking back every couple of months for new additions. Seeing 'The Appendices' written was a little bittersweet, but we all have to ditch the nerdiness sometime, right? Either way, thanks for the great ride and hope to see some sparing material in the future.
Charlett chapter 1 . 4/2/2010
I haven't gone to the FFXII section in so long, mostly because I am not writing for it and most of the crap here is fail. But then I saw this.

And decided that it was win.

A gem of a fic here. I love Fran's master of the obvious statements, it's so like her to spout things that make you just want to shout "YOU THINK!"

Also the last sentence makes me smirk. Balthier is totally waiting for the right time to hop on top for once. Wonderful.

I see that these are short stories for a larger fic, and now I must must MUST see the original. Oh man I will be up all night reading it seems. Oh well TIME WELL SPENT.

Keep it up and God Bless~

Franoncrack chapter 1 . 3/22/2010
ROFL Balthier you sick sick dog you are hurling intestines and you still want to play to suave role! lol nice chapt!
ElleGal chapter 1 . 3/20/2010
lol aw this was a cute story. Fran and Balthier forever!