Reviews for Pieces
evi ive chapter 1 . 4/24/2017
beautiful. It would be a wonderful read to have you do the whole play.
Zelda12343 chapter 1 . 11/20/2011
Truly amazing piece here!
RageLikeRipred chapter 1 . 11/26/2010
Raw, honest, and brilliant.
maneatingbutterflies chapter 1 . 11/8/2010
i assume this is right before

"stay though thou kill me, sweet demetrius"

"I charge the hence and do not haunt me thus"

"oh wilt thou darkling leave me? Do not so!"

(haha i played Helena recently so the lines are fresh in my mind.)
Ariadne'sThread chapter 1 . 10/15/2010
I really love how you've written this. Helena's internal monologue jumps off the page, giving us a sympathetic yet unflinching portrait of a character who's often written off as the tragi-comic best friend. The begining is gripping and the ending is suprisingly poignant. Brilliant use of second person.
Lynne Miao chapter 1 . 8/17/2010
Hey this is Lin! How on earth did I guess this is you? This was a really nice read. I love the passionate way you wrote it, and the second person was really unexpected. You pulled it off real well; believe me, I've written a 2P story before and it faled. Yes, that kind of /fale/. I've never read Midsummers before so I kinda have no idea what you're talking about, but I liked the style. It's like you were trying to overwhelm the reader with emotion. And you use of polysyndeton...XD. Yes, I just went there. Anyway great job. I didn't see any typos. I look forward to seeing you in AP English and Psych...maybe. Fingers crossed.