Reviews for High
Miss T writing chapter 1 . 12/3/2013
well i don't think she can get high because she has no blood in her system but i's fanfiction and well, creative license allows is so why not.
Lullabelly chapter 1 . 1/16/2011
That was funny. Really funny. Glad I read that.
ImperioYou chapter 1 . 6/22/2010
This is ... hilarious! Especially the part where Edward catches them at the end and where Bella asks if vampires and werewolves could get high :P
mrsremusjohnlupin chapter 1 . 3/31/2010
You know...

You should never

start a sentence

with the word

'and'. xD Haha

just kidding. Px

This was quite

a lovely story,

and it made me smile.

The Jake/Bella

relationship you

captured perfectly

and I love the

Edward/Nessie one

as well. It was a

fantastic story.

Though I am wondering

where Charlie (the cop)

is while his child

is getting high in

his home... [x