Reviews for Defying Gravity
FallOutGleek chapter 5 . 3/24/2012
great that u ended with a Kurt's POV :) despite the different writing styles, i enjoyed the original, and i enjoyed this continuation! :D thanks for deciding to finish the amazing story michallev started!
FallOutGleek chapter 4 . 3/24/2012
it's so great u brought someone in to help Kurt with understanding the whole group therapy :')
Soul-Kit524 chapter 5 . 12/22/2010
That was an amazing story. I absolutely adored it. There are few words that can describe its greatness. Bravo.
McRaider chapter 5 . 8/6/2010
This story had a lot of potential that wasn't tapped. I'm not saying it's bad but you showed us what happened, rather than letting us read and go through it with him. There was so much that could've been played with and written out.

As a story overall it's not terrible, but rather could've been better. Stories take time to develop, as they should this one felt rushed. Also something to consider it'd be far more likely for Kurt to attend a meeting for rape victims rather than PTSD, not to say he couldn't have it, but that group of people seemed to suffer different types of trauma.
bookworm51485 chapter 5 . 6/7/2010
I definitely would've liked to have seen Kurt report it to the police and the guys who did it caught, but I guess we can't always get what we want. I'm glad though that he's found some semblance of closure and is moving past what happened to him.
rr chapter 5 . 6/3/2010
oohhhhh that was so touching! I started reading the story and was so confused, then I realized that it was a continuation of another great story! very well written, just don't let you fingers slip on those keys! it makes some of it hard to undersand
kinn chapter 4 . 5/12/2010
kinn chapter 3 . 5/3/2010
love it so far. I'm glad the story is being continued :)
PleaseDontJump chapter 3 . 4/28/2010
OMJ. I love this story so much. Keep it up! And try to update before scheduled time again! I was really happy to see that update two days in advanced. xDD
batman008 chapter 3 . 4/28/2010
Awesome! Update soon!
ribald-one chapter 3 . 4/27/2010
I just came across this today, and I think you are doing a great job in capturing the soul of the original story while bringing your own flow to it! I, too, am a Kurt fan, and I think you've got a good handle on his voice, as well as that of Mercedes. I look forward to reading the next chapter!
MorganD chapter 1 . 4/15/2010
I'm happy you decided to adopt michallev's story and continue it. I really am.

However, I must say I find some things a little insulting to rape or abuse survivors. Such as the whole assumption that "borderline madness" is a natural result of the experience. Different people react differently. VERY differently. Some do react the way you're having Kurt react here, others don't. Some actually start seeking physical touch instead of avoiding it. Some start talking non-stop instead of clamming up. Some try to disappear in the crowd instead of hiding in their rooms. And it's important that the victims understand that there is no wrong way to react to something like this. Fiction in general and Hollywood in particular have established the "can't stand to be touched" reaction as default to rape and abuse because it's more interesting from a dramatic point of view, but then when in Real Life a rape survivor does NOT feel the way fiction taught rape victims are supposed to feel, that only serves to aggravate their anguish.

Just to make it clear, I think the way Kurt is reacting is perfectly understandable (and really worrying). And it does make for an amazing story.
funni monkey4 chapter 2 . 4/14/2010
loving it please update
Juju chapter 1 . 4/11/2010
I am very happy you decided to continue this story. I was saddened that the original author couldn't. I can't wait to see where you go with it :D
funni monkey4 chapter 1 . 4/11/2010
yay! finally wo keep updating love the emotion
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