Reviews for Sodor High School: Thomas & Friends Tales
Guest chapter 42 . 8/18
Cheaters never prosper!
Thank you.
Benny chapter 43 . 8/13
I'm happy that Emily and Leo decided to stay friends. Now Thomas will get his chance to tell Emily the truth that he's in love with her and hope and pray that Emily will except his feelings.
Guest chapter 43 . 8/8
Welcome back, at long last. It seems you've finally arrived at the moment we've all been waiting for.
Guest chapter 43 . 8/8
Wow! that was really lovely! A very good chapter indeed. It was kind of what I saw coming though. Emily has known Thomas longer than Leo and is actually staying inside his house. Anyways the story was really lovely and I enjoyed reading it. I suggest two things though: Thomas revealing a secret talent, and a story based on the video "Don't tell Thomas" were everyone tries to plan a secret birthday party for him, even though his parents are away. You don't have to use either of them, but it would be very nice to see Thomas showing a talent in the spotlight for once. Great story and I cant wait to see the next one, but take your time. You and your group and doing spectacularly well.
Guest chapter 43 . 8/8
Oh my, looks like Thomas gets Emily as his Girlfriend. He deserves it.
Well done!
Thank you.
Paula chapter 43 . 8/7
That's good. At least Emily and Leo are friends not love couple. Please let's hope that Thomas will tell Emily that he's in love with her and hope Emily will except his feelings.
Megara chapter 43 . 8/7
That's really good. Emily told Leonardo that they decided to be friends instead of couple, even though Leo is a little disappointed but he understands. I do hope and pray that Thomas will get his chance to tell Emily that he's in love with her.
Bobbie chapter 42 . 7/2
That was really good, not bad but keep up a good work.
Riley chapter 42 . 6/30
That's nice. Rosie and Stanley are in love and now Leonardo asked Emily to go on a date and she says yes. Poor Thomas is feeling broken to pieces, he better tell Emily soon or she'll never excepts his feelings. Hope you don't mind I send you some ideas before you start writing chapter 43? This chapter is called The Mess Up Date & The Big Fight, I'm using the references from a cartoon movie Shark Tale at the end.

Here are the preview scenes.

Raphael: You looked good, Leo. Leonardo: Thanks bro. Raphael: My friends and I are proud of you when you asked Emily. Leonardo: I know. She may not be my girlfriend but will still friends. Raphael: You never know, oh by we're having spaghetti and meatballs its my favorite. Leonardo: My too. (than they heard a doorbell ring) Leonardo: Must be Emily now, I'll go get it. Raphael: Good luck. Leonardo rushed quickly than opened the door. And saw Emily wearing emerald glitter dress and silver slippers. Emily: Hi Leo. Leonardo: Uh hi Emily. You you looked beautiful. Emily: Thank you. And you looked very handsome. Leonardo: Thanks. Come on in, we're having spaghetti and meatballs. Emily: I like spaghetti and meatballs. Emily went inside of Leonardo's home.

Meanwhile Leonardo and Emily were watching musical movie Les Miserables. Leonardo: Sorry we had to wait for a while for the food, Emily. Emily: That's okay, Leo. I don't mind waiting as long I had a great time. They both smiled and watch the movie. Just than 20 minutes it started to smoke and fire alarm beeping. Raphael: Fire! Smoke! The Parents came in. Father: Oh no! Mother: Oh dear! Leonardo: Mom, what happened? Mother: I think something is wrong with oven. For 35 minutes, there's a burning meatballs and spaghetti more burned. Raphael: Well I guess we won't be eating dinner tonight. Now the oven has broken down and burned all the food. Father: I'm sorry, son. Emily: How about we have something else eat. Like ordering pizza. Raphael: Pizza? I love pizza. Leonardo: Good idea, Emily. Mother: I would love that. Father: Me too. Raphael: I go order right now and you Leo right by the door. About 15 minutes, the delivery pizza came Leo paid for it and thank the pizza deliver. Raphael: Yeah the pizza is here! Leonardo: Here it is, half cheese and half pepperoni. Raphael: Thanks Emily, you the dinner tonight. Emily: Your welcome.

After they finished pizza for dinner, Leonardo and Emily went for a walk for a park together. Leonardo: I'm so sorry we didn't get to have spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Emily: That's okay. We have pizza together and its not bad. Leonardo: Yes but I guess our date is mess up. Emily: No it isn't, Leo. Our date good but a bit funny. Leonardo: Funny Emily? Emily: Yeah, when the meatballs burn that looked like an train engine coals. (giggles) And the spaghetti burned looked like black knitting spring. (laughs) Leonardo (laughs): I guess you're right. They both started to laughed. Emily: Leo, thank you for letting me to dinner at your place. I enjoy it. David: I enjoy it too, Emily. Your welcome. They both smiled each other. Suddenly Leo's cellphone fall out of his pocket. Leonardo: Oops, I dropped my phone. Emily: I'll get it. Leonardo: No I get it. They both got it when they're hands touch together. Leonardo and Emily looked each other. Emily: Leonardo. Leonardo: Emily. Without a word, they're lips touch together, they're eyes were shocked they share their first kiss than they closed their eyes. They been kissing by 15 minutes and than they let go. They're cheeks are blushed red and smiled. Leo: That's amazing. Emily: It is amazing. Leonardo: Let's get back to my house. Emily: Okay, I had to go home soon. They went back to Leonardo's house, after they left they didn't know someone is hiding behind the tree and started to cry. It was Thomas, he is feeling so sad and had to tears coming down to the eyes. Percy: Thomas, there are you, I was getting worried. You found the flying disc? Percy saw that Thomas is crying and his tears coming out of his eyes. Percy: Thomas, what's wrong? Why are you crying. Thomas (sobs): I saw Leo and Emily walkin together and talking and than the kiss each other on th lips. He started crying. Percy gasped and couldn't believe. Emily is not in love with Thomas, she in love with Leonardo. Percy: Thomas, I'm so sorry. He hug his best friend, Thomas continue crying and hugging Percy tight.

The next day, it was 3:05 p.m. Everyone is going home from and some stayed at school. Donald and Douglas: Hi Edward. Edward: Hi you two. Donald: Want to home together? Edward: Sure. Want to study math and history together before the test comes up? Douglas: Yes. We were going to asked you that. Meanwhile Leonardo and his friends we're about leave than they saw Percy and Thomas. Leonardo: Hi Percy. Percy: Hello Leo. Leonardo: Hi Thomas. Thomas: Don't talked to me! He said a very upset voice that leave Leonardo puzzled. Percy: Don't get mad, Thomas. Thomas: I am mad, Percy! With Emily in love with Leo! Meanwhile Emily is walking home than she saw Edward, Donald, and Douglas. Emily: Hey Edward, Donald, Douglas! Donald and Douglas: Hi Emily. Edward: Hey Emily. Hey how's science class? Emily: Its fine. Thanks. Donald: Look there's Thomas and Percy. Edward: Thomas, Percy. Percy: Hi Edward. Thomas didn't answer back and walked away quickly. Edward: What's matter with Thomas? Douglas: Don't know. Emily: He looks upset. Edward: Percy, what's wrong with Thomas? He looks really mad. Percy: I hate to say it but he's mad at Emily. Emily: Mad at me? Why? Percy: With you liking Leo better than him. Donald and Douglas: Oh. Edward: That's what's wrong. We better talked to him. Emily: I'll talked to him. Percy: We're come with you. Thomas was walking home upsetting and can't stopped thinking about Emily and Leonardo. Emily: Thomas! Stop, wait! But Thomas ignore her and walked quickly away. Emily: Thomas! Please listen to me. Its about Leo. Thomas: I don't care! Emily: Thomas please. . .Thomas: No! Why should I listen to you? Emily: Percy told me what happened. Thomas: He should mind of his own business. Emily: What's your problem? Why are you mad at me and Leo? Thomas: What's my problem? Because you you and Leo when he . .. Edward: I'll stay out of this. Emily: What do you mean you don't care about Leonardo? Thomas: I don't! Emily: You don't? Thomas: No! Emily: What? Thomas: I don't know. Donald: Hey guys. Douglas: Want a bubble gum? Thomas and Emily: No! Thomas: Just tell me Emily, I'm worried. Why you think he's interested, do you think for one minute, he would even be with you if you like an handsome boy who kissed you on your hand and you kissed him on the cheek. Percy: You guys please don't fight. Thomas: You think that's right. Emily: At least Leo treat me really nice. Thomas: If he loved you like nobody. Emily: My parents loves me. My friends loves me. Nobody loves me, when I was nobody. Who else loves me? Thomas: I did! Emily is shocked and surprise and so did Percy, Edward, Donald, and Douglas. Emily couldn't believe it, did she heard Thomas that he loves her. Thomas: Even since when you and your family moved here. We both met each other and became good friends. Your father went out to fight with Diesel 10 and I was there protecting you from him and make you feel better when you stay the night at my place. We both had good time and good life. Until Leonardo came. And he likes you and liked him back. To me, you were somebody, Emily. Now you are nothing but fake until you changed. You not yourself before until we first met. Voice: Hey what's going on? It was James, Henry, and Gordon walking home drinking soda bottles. Henry: We heard an argument. Gordon: All the way over there. James: We heard both you. Edward: Guys, shh! Nobody say a word. But Thomas didn't say a word, he began cover his eyes and began to cry. Emily didn't say a word but looked sad and understand what he said. Emily: Thomas - - Thomas: Forget it! Just go! Cause I'm tired of hearing how everything you had in your life wasn't good enough, including me. Emily didn't know what to say, but she run away back home feeling sad. Thomas continue crying, everyone felt so sorry for him and Emily too. Percy: I'll go talked to Emily. Henry: Me too. Percy and Henry set off to catch up with Emily. Edward: Thomas. Thomas: I'm sorry. Go ahead walk away from me, it doesn't matter. James: It will be okay, Thomas. Gordon: We're still here for you. Donald: We all here. Douglas: Yeah. Thomas wiped his tears and smiled a little. When Leo and his brother headed home, they saw Emily coming, she looked sad and about to cry. Raphael: Emily looked sad. Leonardo: Emily, what's wrong? Emily: Don't talked to me anymore, Leo. I don't want to bother what you doing. Leo: Emily. Emily: Just leave me alone, it's nothing you need to know. Emily run away from them. Just than Henry and Percy pass by Leo and Raphael. Emily. Percy: Hi Leo. Henry: Bye Leo. Henry and Percy finally catch up to Emily. Percy: Emily, wait. Stop! Emily did stopped. Percy: Emily, I'm sorry what Thomas said to you. Henry: Me too. Emily: No, I deserve it. This is all my fault. If I haven't listen to his feelings instead of walking away and ignore him. None of this would happened. Now he hates me! She started to cry. Henry: It's all right, Emily. Give him time. Percy: Yeah, even though he still mad at you. Henry: That's right. Emily wipe her tears and smiled a little. Emily: Thank you, boys.

That's all, I hope you like my idea. Sorry about one of the paragraphs is long.
Detta chapter 42 . 6/28
That was good, I think Rosie and Stanley are in love when they first met. Leo and Emily are going on a date that's nice, but poor Thomas is broken heart, he better tell her he's in love with her soon or she and Leonardo will kiss each other on the lips than Emily won't fall in love with Thomas.
Guest chapter 42 . 6/28
Wow lovely, but I have to agree with Percy; "Boy talk about a plat twist if ever I saw one." But I see three. First Stanley, I didn't even think about him until Now! Two, forfeiting the game, that certainly wasn't in my head or expectations!and third, Leo asking Emily and being nervous about it too! That was really unexpected! Great Job on such a fantastic story all three of you! I can not wait to see what happens next. will Thomas have to fight for Emily's heart? will he finally have to reveal his singing talent? Well cant wait to see what happens!
Garold chapter 42 . 6/27
Poor Thomas is feeling hurt a lot, Leo asked Emily to go on the date with him and she says yes. When chapter 44 or chapter 45 comes up soon, maybe Thomas will tell Emily that he have feelings for her and maybe just maybe she will except his feelings. I'll just had to wait and see even though it won't say it on chapter 43.
Darby chapter 42 . 6/27
Leonardo and his team won the game, I'm so proud of them. So Leo and Emily are going on a date since they have a crush to each other. Poor Thomas is already feeling heart broken, maybe Emily doesn't have feelings for him after all.
Rika chapter 42 . 6/27
That was good, at least Leonardo and his team won the game. So Leo asked Emily to go on the date, and Emily says yes that's good. But not so good for Thomas, he is already feeling heart broken.
jriddle41 chapter 42 . 6/27
Will Thomas finally confess his feelings to Emily before it's too late? Or will he lose her forever?
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