Reviews for Road To Heaven Or Hell
SaiVega chapter 1 . 2/5/2012
I have mixed feelings about this. Never mind being upset about Envy and Ed being separated for all eternity. I think it starts from the whole heaven and hell thing. Since they exist and because of what happened to the two, there are religous policies prevailing in this story, at least thats my impression. So doesnt that mean Ed should be sent to hell too? Maybe not as sinful as Envy but Ed was in a homosexual relationship and he commited suicide, both of which are forbidden sins according to the religous policies that this story is using. I mean sure, I guess Ed will be trapped in his own kind of hell without Envy being there but it still confuses me as to why this god found mercy in himself and let Ed go to heaven but punish Envy who technically is not an embodiment of a sin like a demon but a victim as well who is originally a human. Ya, just wanted to point out my confusing, not trying to throw flames and Im sorry if it feels like Im flaming you. I personally love this couple. And also, Im sorry I sent you two of the same reviews, its because my phone was being a fuckin turd. But hope to read other stories from you, happy creating!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/5/2012
I have mixed feelings about this. Never mind that it upsets me that the two were separated for all eternity. I guess it starts from the whole heaven and hell thing. So according to this story, there are religous policies prevailing here. So then, doesn't that mean Ed would have been sent to hell as well? He was in a homosexual relationship and commited suicide, both of which are forbidden sinsforbidden upon.
Gaarika chapter 1 . 8/28/2011
this is really good, but in a really depressing kinda way

i still love it though
Crimson Tainted Sin chapter 1 . 5/20/2011
*cries* this story is bitter sweet. The whole story was crafted beautifully. This is wonderful :)
no name chapter 1 . 4/25/2011
this was so sad *cries* :(
LaCosaNostra chapter 1 . 4/21/2011
This is why I am atheist.
himikario chapter 1 . 6/8/2010
I feel really sorry for both of them, but in some melancolic way it was romatic too, how they died arm in arm, i nearly cried, why do it have to end like that?

I enjoy to read about this pair cause its my favorit, but they died -.-

nevertheless I liked the idea of the though that they could be togehter forever if they killed each other, but i does it even more worse, that they get seperaded...

in some kind there is little hope, cause of the promise envy made, that one day they will meet again, but on Eds point there is such a hopeless feeling after the gate close...

whats heaven faced to ifinity, if you were not allowed to be with your beloved...I think it more unkind than all pain on earth or hell ever could be...

I fell so sorry for both of them...

I even loved the end with Roy and Riza like Roy burn them to make sure that at least their bodys could be forever together, but its only a little comfort cause their soul never will...

All in all I really enjoy to read this, because the idea and the style, both are awesome

regards himi
Erellya chapter 1 . 5/21/2010

that was so sad!

why couldn't he go to hell? (That sounds weird...)
Vermilion Skies chapter 1 . 4/26/2010
Oh man! That was so sad! I almost teared up at the end! Great job!
Therandomfreak chapter 1 . 4/6/2010
Wow... this was sad, as you promised T.T

A really sad story, but clever still. I like it alot, even though this isn't my favourite pairing. But the story is well told and you did it really well - good work!

Hope your doing well, hectic with school even now while holidays. I'll try answer the roleplay as soon as I can, but during the weekend, I'll be away and I don't know if I'll have any access to a computer. Stay well

OverLordHimeko chapter 1 . 4/3/2010
Sad;; so sad thats what i got to that it was a good story still sad ;; but good job on this i liked it.