Reviews for Fractured Rules
Crawcolady chapter 48 . 3/29/2015
Wow! . . . Whew! . . . I don't know how I've missed this story all these years, but fortunately I found it this morning, and I've spent the biggest part of the day (off and on) reading it . . . (every chance I got, even on my phone while I was making dinner!)

This one was definitely a "Kleenex" story and my eyes are red and swollen this evening. I found myself so caught up in the story, I found myself resentful while my son-in-law and grandchildren were visiting, and that NEVER happens!

Thank you so much for gifting us with such an indepth, compelling, emotional story about our favorite characters. The emotional tidal waves, ebbs, and finally flow in this story was quite powerful.

You have quite a gift in your writing . . . I have always enjoyed reading your stories and admire you for your creative thought. Please, continue the great writing and thank you again for gifting us with your incredible stories. Kudos to you . . .
Gracfully chapter 10 . 1/13/2014
Gracfully chapter 4 . 1/13/2014
like it neat chapter
starfire25 chapter 48 . 6/4/2013
Wow! That was great! That was the most angst ridden and emotionally charged fic I have ever read! It made me cry so much! Its unbelievable!
stareagle chapter 48 . 3/28/2013
Great story gave my emotions a work out!
friend chapter 4 . 12/28/2012
Tony dead? Oh yeah. Thanks.
Guest chapter 48 . 12/21/2012
Superb story. Well written and the plot was orgnized and believable.
gotyour6 chapter 48 . 4/13/2012
WOW. What a great story! I had to stop reading several times because of the emotional intensity. I liked the way all members of the team/family were portayed with such detail and the growth of their personalities was realistic. I somehow missed the chapter were the ghosts came, so I missed the way the team accepted the ghosts.
camry72 chapter 27 . 1/22/2012
Hey! Gibbs shouldn't blame Tony because if it were the other way around Gibbs would have forgiven Tony. This serves as a lesson. A sad one but a lesson.
AlanaLE chapter 48 . 10/29/2011
A truly heart-wrenching story. Everyone's pain and loss was clearly portrayed, and all the emotional turmoil wreaked havoc on my own emotional state/system. Being able to touch someone like that is part of what makes this such a great story.
narutokakashijiraiya13 chapter 14 . 11/1/2010
love it.. jethro is a bastard right now though
LuvTivaXox chapter 48 . 8/31/2010

This took me almost a month to complete, but it was worth it!

Usually I stay away from stories that have a character death, but I was instantly drawn to this from the very first line.

Although there were a few typos and minor mistakes like that, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. It made me laugh; it made me cry; some parts even shocked me. Very well written. Keep up the great work!
Gemstone121 chapter 48 . 8/18/2010
yeah he's finally home so happy for him and everyone. Now they can really move on together.
STLFAN chapter 48 . 8/17/2010
Outstanding fic. You should be proud of yourselves. Bravo!
DS2010 chapter 48 . 8/17/2010
Not a bad ending, was glad Tim went back
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