Reviews for Eromenos
SilverWhiteDragon chapter 2 . 10/1/2014
Wow, really loved this fic
Afuri chapter 1 . 4/24/2014
Awesome my dear! I couldnt stop thinking how awesome this fanfic while reading it! Are you a pro author? I'm pretty you've written some books. I'm glad I've found this fic.
VariaTala chapter 2 . 4/5/2014
This fanfiction... it was so genius! I really did love the idea, your writing style is great and the characters where IC which was really great. I'm so in love with this fanfiction right know, it's kind of sad x'D Thanks for your great work

- Tala
Svelis chapter 2 . 3/23/2014
this is perfect! Terrific! Formidable! You made a great research to write it and your use of English is fantastic! You are a great writer!
Sakura chapter 2 . 2/28/2014
I screamed 3 times while reading this masterpiece: First, when Hermes asked Fran whether he'd follow Xanxus or Necros -I thought that was genius- Second, at the 10069 reference, because I honestly wasn't expecting it and it made me so happy. And third, when I saw the Epilogue. I honestly didn't think that you would give us a happy ending, but I'm glad you did because I wouldn't be able to handle it if you didn't. To me, this piece is so perfect that I don't have the heart to call it "fanfiction". This is literature in my eyes. You have outstanding knowledge of the Ancient Greek culture and mythology, I wonder where that comes from... It was an excellent read from beginning to end, it was also very special to me because with this, I've completed reading all of your works on . I'll drop by every now and then for my 10069 cravings. Thank you for everything :)
ziraulo chapter 2 . 10/2/2012
Oh. My. God. I cannot believe that I just stumbled upon this lovely gem of a fanfic! So many people have attempted to do AUs of KHR, and this is one of the successful ones. The terms were accurate, the writing was just splendid and oh, your plot! I have no words for it. XDDD

To be honest, I was curious on how you were going to work out the abilities of their flames here, but you handled it perfectly! I did not see that coming until Hermes showed up. And the way that the story was connected to the future? Amazing. ## Keep up the good work for your future fics!
madehleine chapter 2 . 9/26/2012
I LOVE! This AU was just so darn perfect. I usually can't imagine Xanxus and Squalo (and the Varia) in any other world aside from the italian mafia but archaic greece works pretty darn well. I love how they completely just fit into this world and I love the plot that you wove around them. I love how Xanxus is portrayed so accurately: proud, loyal, doesn't care for the rules and only cares about what he wants. I love how he completely just coveted Squalo and how the Varia just so willingly follow him. Eromenos just made me want to ship Squalo and Xanxus more and more and more. They're the most natural pair in the khr 'verse and I just love them here!

Eromenos was written with great grammar, great plot, great descriptions, and you assigned the khr characters with such fitting roles here in this AU-just awesome!
KIRI NO BASHOE chapter 2 . 8/10/2012
I need to mention this incase someone is mistaken here... Squalo's artificial arm was for his missing LEFT arm, not right.
Other than that, the story is amuzing !

Lussuria sure knows how to make observations ...
KIRI NO BASHOE chapter 1 . 8/10/2012
Your knowledge for ancient greek history sure is awesome, and so is your geographical knowledge ( I got this information from your story " At the end of a wait " )

There is already 2 flashbacks already ! With 1 I'm not even sure where it came from.

The story is all AMUZING until I read the part of the flashback at the torture chamber, seriously, I don't think a pairing like XS is for those king of... what ? " Love at 1st sight " ?
Heavychop chapter 2 . 8/5/2012
Excellent! One of the best fics that I've ever read!
Xanxus and Squalo's characteristic are pretty much like the original ones. Not OOS. Though I wasn't so happy with the "weaker Squalo" part, but it is part of the story, and what makes the story interesting (and great).
Your style of writing and story plot is really impressive, the setting of time is just nice. And for the yaoi part, everything goes pretty smoothly, not too exaggerated (still, a little), not too kiddie.
Though good, I spot a few mistakes too while I read the story. But no worries, they're just some tiny typing errors I assume.

So, I'll give a give a 9.7 out of 10 for the overall. :)

But, just one thing, why won't Squalo just tell the king Xanxus didn't murder the princess rather than to ask Xanxus run away?
Ri Tyler chapter 1 . 12/13/2011
Your fic is extremely genious!

The best XS fic so far in this site!

I love how you elaborate history with pop culture.

Everything is original for the plot,

and you really master the vocabularies!

Wish me luck so I can master it like you!

Xanxus is truly belong to Squalo,

Squalo is truly belong to Xanxus.

It will always be for eternity.

IDespiseTragedy, you proved it through this fic.

Keep writing, don't stop because you amazed us all.

Arigatou, senpai!

A reader and an author

P.S. : This fic triggered my half fujoshi side to squeal. With my brother looking at me weirdly. (,)
SlamShady chapter 2 . 10/20/2011
Okay, I know I wrote a pretty short review on one of your other stories ('The end of a wait?') because I was rushing and then I realised you can't edit reviews and I couldn't write another one.

Anyways, I just want to say that your writing style is AMAZING, the way you allow Xanxus & Squalo to interact is perfect, it's exactly how I imagined their relationship to be. Not one bit out of character (and this is for both stories), I can't count how many times I've read this one and the other...just amazing.

And I love how you research so thoroughly and put so much effort into the setting of the story, I haven't seen many stories that put as much detail as you do.

You should seriously write more XS fics, they're my fav pairing and you just capture them perfectly. (and sorry that my other review was so short). chapter 1 . 10/16/2011
This is just brilliantly written . I mean I have the handy of saying that most of the fanfics seem like they were written by a 12 year old on crack but this... It is just amazing. I never expected a fanfic to be THIS good. I'm just completely blown away. I freaking loved this fic. You have some serious talent and I like the fact that you actually knew what you were talking about unless the majority of XS stories I have come across. You are officially my fav writer now (: just bloody awesome.
sinfulseraph chapter 2 . 8/19/2011
You've gone into great detail and your knowledge of the culture was very impressive. You linked the characters' characteristics to their new setting very well (e.g. Squalo's arm and their elements as demi-gods). The plot was original and well explored, as well as having really exciting fan service in all those steamy scenes between Squalo and Xanxus. The atmosphere between those two was portrayed perfectly. Thank you so much for posting this.
Halfpoint chapter 1 . 8/6/2011

Expecially for someone who is now taking a GREED HISTORY AND MYTHOLOGY CLASS!

one question:may I translate this story into chinese and pulish in a chinese khr community?

I am SURE they will like it!

I will keep you name, and if you want I can translate some review back to English to you.

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