Reviews for Just a Little Push
PotatoPasta chapter 47 . 4/19
Sixth sense MUST be something that’ll be a MUST HAVE when your Gil’s brother xD You’re absolutely right: Poor POOR Luddy xD

Hey Luddy! Don’t be annoyed that your future wife is rocking the canoe! I mean you have all those muscles! Can’t you just balance the canoe with your muscles! LMAO and you guys fell xD

Oh c’mon Gil! Don’t scare little Feli like that! And I understand Luddy’s urge to throw Gil into the water xD xD xD
PotatoPasta chapter 46 . 4/10
And I’m back as well! xD

Well, I can see young soo is about to f**k things up O_O... Yao should really be taking care of him lol It must be embarrassing for Lovi when young soo talks about her and Toni xD

Aw, cmon Lovi we all know that you wanna paddle with Toni and row your canoe to somewhere... private ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡)
PotatoPasta chapter 45 . 1/29
And that’s why you always gotta make sure there is no one around that can hear your... “affairs”. *Insert Lenny face* Thank God you weren’t shagging though you were supposed to! Dx Cuz you never know who’s gonna be creeping around and watch you guys

Think of it like this Lovi and Toni! If it were someone like Franny they’d be secretly— You know what? If it were Gil, she’d be filming it right now! XD XD XD
PotatoPasta chapter 44 . 1/18
Well yeah Mattie, you have no idea what a rebel artie can be! I mean one of his personality/persona or whatever as Iggy is pirate xD

It is so awesome that Leon helped bese poor boys out. Like Batman saving dick and dick becomes Robin and then Batman! :D

You forgot to tell Mattie one thing Gil: artie and Franny used to bang ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡)
PotatoPasta chapter 43 . 12/28/2019
Oh believe me. Franny and Ally would make catastrophic disaster xD Which thankfully on this chapter, ally only comes back jaw dropping ;)

You know? Speaking of Signore Roma and Artie, it’s truthfully regretful that they never shared a duet screen time together ;( I mean maybe in the future?

Ughhhh Artie needs to get laid -_- his grumpiness comes from

Funniest part: Artie knows that jealous FAN girls will torture whoever he goes out with xD but don’t worry Artie. Ally is more than capable of taking care of herself!
PotatoPasta chapter 42 . 10/19/2019
Franny you’re the BEST wingman ever EVER!

Well Ally you’re gonna thank a MILLION to franny for booking you up with Artie! We all can tell by Ally is head over heels as much as Artie as we can see her defending Artie~ 3

Well Feliks and Tolys xD they make wonderful sidekicks LOL
PotatoPasta chapter 41 . 9/29/2019
Aw, c’mon! Don’t go Leon! You gotta stay for both Gill and us! We’ve all found our inner Gill that it’s tremendous to see you in anguish xD

Franny you are the HERO of love. But won’t you concentrate on Luddy and Feli and much as you did for Toni and Lovi and doing for Artie and Ally? Dx
PotatoPasta chapter 40 . 9/11/2019
Awww Feli and Luddy are ALWAYS so adorable to read! X) Feli clinging on Ludwig’s arm and Luddy blushing never gets old 3 Come on, Rose. I need more of GerIta! Hurry up! Dx

Whoa whoa whoa Eli. You’re not planning to demand Gil and Mattie to scissor in front of you right? I know what you’re thinking but it’s suicide

Hahahaha! Yep in Feli’s POV shirtless guys are merely shirtless guys without anything sexy xD But I can see Franny’s fantasizing 50 SHADES OF GREY on Leon ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡)

PotatoPasta chapter 39 . 8/17/2019
Oh my God. OH MY GOD! Did Herakles and Kiku did what I think they did? ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡) That is HOT xD Hera is being so cuddly like cuddly kitties! I’m sure kiku is the only one he wants to stroke other than cats no? ;) This was super cute!
PotatoPasta chapter 38 . 8/6/2019
You know what Toni? Never thought like that but maybe you’re right! Maybe Johnson can’t show emotions! ...or can’t feel them O_O

Well, this must be the first time Toni ever felt awkward talking to someone xD but I understand him. It must’ve been talking to a tree. Thank God Leon shows up and adds some loudness xD

No, Rose. Toni and Lovi are just happy sneaking out alone and sing very happy and very pouty “Can you feel the love tonight” ;)
PotatoPasta chapter 37 . 7/3/2019
Oh my dear Ally... you have no idea. You have no idea how DANGEROUS Herr Beilschmidt is O_O... (well at least in my head canon lol

I think you’re making your readers to STAY OUTTA MUD unless you wanna get... “dirty” xD
PotatoPasta chapter 36 . 6/18/2019
Mud does make conflict doesn’t it? XD When they bet for the photos why did I know what the twins would bet on each other XD Feli grabbing onto Luddy is soooo cute 3 there should be more GerIta! Franny is always the big bro of Gill lol well Toni too ;)
PotatoPasta chapter 35 . 5/14/2019
Ofc Gil LOVES mud! xD Bc mud pit fighting is so AWESOME! ...though I do feel sorry for her victims LMAO! Especially Roddy and Luddy bc they must’ve been the major victims xD

Oh dear, I suppose ally and Gill won’t stop arguing will hey? xD and Leon’s... well, being Leon xD Why do the normal ppl have to be the victims? xD

So I wonder if you’ve played Resident Evil 2: Remake! I liked it for the most part but ofc, it couldn’t be perfect ;(
PotatoPasta chapter 34 . 5/2/2019
Welcome to Pleasantville! Where the most sanest people get traumatized the most! xD

Well, I’d never be bored if I were Luddy xD Gil is the AWESOMEST big sister in the world! And Feli is just the cutest ;) I just can’t wait to see them getting married!M _

However, I relate to Luddy lol being and staying clean is the best :D
PotatoPasta chapter 33 . 4/25/2019
I agree ;( Toni fighting with those assholes 1:2 was hardly a fair fight... shoulda been 1:20. They have no idea how terrifying and dangerous the Dark!Toni is O_O but we don’t want Toni to go to prison for doing something he deserves lol

“We interrupt your Arthur/Ally/Leon/Francis craziness to bring you some Antonio and Lovina fluffiness.” Why thank you, Rosie ;)
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