Reviews for Death princess
Lonewolf246 chapter 18 . 8/5/2015
I just look at ur page and... Where is the sequel? - I know that this can only mean that you haven't written it yet and I can't wait for it so I hope you can start on it soon!
Lonewolf246 chapter 17 . 8/5/2015
I love it! And I'm about to read the sequel! Hope it's a s good as this or even better! (There are spots for improvement but, no one is perfect!) also please take this as constructive criticism!
AliceCullen0629 chapter 18 . 1/27/2013
post the sequal soon please this is really good story
Guest chapter 4 . 11/22/2012
why doesn't she just tell them!?
desteptozaur chapter 11 . 10/22/2012
holy crap i cannot describe to you how epic your story is 3
Guest chapter 17 . 9/9/2012
Wow...did not expect that
Ashborn Dragonrider chapter 6 . 7/24/2012
Hi I'm nobody just a being who likes your story. Keep writing
Eyanna Everdeen chapter 15 . 4/18/2012
Wazzup up with the constant screamin?
caww chapter 17 . 12/27/2010
Interesting dream/story.

That makes sense now with the Cullen's arriving so fast when Bella called Alice.

I thought it was really cute how Alice found out that the Death Princess was Bella.

I'm glad Bella went back to Forks and found the momentos under the flooring.

I hope not everything happens in the dream...the humans being killed for one-maybe..instead Victoria get's caught by the guards and maybe Bella has to deal with her?

Can't wait to read the sequel and read more of your creativity and imagination.

aesirborn chapter 2 . 12/27/2010
Dear, I don't mean to give you a bad day, but sometimes you gotta do what ya' gotta do.

I read it. Well, actually, I skimmed it. First thing: GET A BETA. The grammar is awful and distracts from the story.

Second thing: If you have came across another story like this, NO ONE HAS STOLEN YOUR IDEA. This plot has been done a thousand times when you have crack pairings, just look up Alec/Bella fics.

And continuing. The writing is mediocre at best, terrible at worst. I know at times MY writing can be pretty goddamn awful, but I admit too it. Your writing is extremely rushed. Tone down the pace a little and include more details. At best, you give a sketchy mental picture. At worst, I had no idea what was going on at all.

Secondly: Use the grammar and spell check on your word processor and get a good beta. Your grammar is awful, and it distracts from your writing. If you had amazing writing but still had bad grammar, I would still leave a negative review. When you begin a quotation, you have to capitalize it. IT LOOKS TACKY OTHERWISE.

One more piece of advice: Don't take an honest review as a flame. A flame is saying that the story is awful and giving no basis of why or how it could be improved. My review is a critique. I sent it too help you, so don't go whining about me in your next authors note.
Zantana chapter 9 . 12/27/2010
good story! hehehehehehe! Alice found out her secret! LUV the story so much!
shanniin chapter 17 . 11/19/2010
lovee this story (:

please continue soon (:
ParamuseAngel chapter 4 . 11/2/2010
Do you know what's funny? You started this story on my birthday :D
RiahhBaby chapter 15 . 10/17/2010
I love the story (:
Maestro4EvarMore chapter 16 . 10/17/2010
Oh, I'm TOtally interested!
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