Reviews for The Question
conan-cy chapter 1 . 12/31/2019
This story is so beautiful!
marthapreston4 chapter 14 . 3/7/2015
I feel like there should be a dun dun dun
d-kronk chapter 17 . 3/24/2013
Great ending! I love the way Derek chose to let everyone know about their relationship. And I really liked Hotch's response to it. :) Wonderful fic. I'm looking forward to the next one I find from you as I slowly work my way forward through all of the M/G fics.
d-kronk chapter 16 . 3/24/2013
What a great talk. I love Penelope's disbelief that he was dumping her and her repeating of that. And I'm really glad she made him tell her what he wanted. Finally they both understand that they've wanted the same thing all along.
d-kronk chapter 15 . 3/24/2013
Another great chapter! I'm glad that Derek heard her telling that guy that she didn't know what they were, that definitely got him to finally vocalize his feelings. I'm glad he said he loved her of course ending with "we need to talk" that's generally not a good thing, but I'm going to hope it is after this chapter.
d-kronk chapter 14 . 3/24/2013
I really like this chapter, so much going on. I wish one of them had just talked about what the other meant to them, then all of this could have been avoided (although I like this chapter, so I guess I'm glad they didn't) :-) I like Pen's reaction when they hear the answering machine and Derek's reaction to her. I'm glad she didn't leave. I'm glad JJ was the one to guess that something had happened between them and her reaction when Penelope couldn't tell her that they were dating.

The whole scene at the bar was great, from Emily not being able to stop talking about the conversation no matter that JJ was trying to get her to stop, to JJ calling Derek. And I'm really glad she did, sounds like he got there just in time.
d-kronk chapter 13 . 3/24/2013
I'm glad they are back together, just wish they would seriously talk about their feelings and their new relationship. Those last to lines were just so sad and heartbreaking...
d-kronk chapter 12 . 3/24/2013
Very intense chapter. I love Penelope just giving Derek back the same response he had said to her. And Derek's reply was great. I love neither of them backing down and then just the explosion of passion. I love Derek wanting to make sure that Penelope knew that if they did make love they weren't going to stop and that he made her answer him.
d-kronk chapter 11 . 3/24/2013
Great chapter. I'm glad Derek left his date early. I really like them both ending up at the training center thinking about their relationship and the past week. And that was a mean place to end the chapter. Cause I know she likes what she sees. :-)
d-kronk chapter 10 . 3/24/2013
That is a hard chapter, but I love it. I love when Derek catches that Penelope is staring at him and then realizes what it is that she wants. Their phone call was heartbreaking, they know each other so well that they both know just what to say to hurt the other. And Derek admitting that she was the only person he's ever begged for, so sad. Hopefully Penelope figures it out soon.
d-kronk chapter 9 . 3/23/2013
Great chapter! I love how well everything was going and then. boom. It sucks that she heard the answering machine message and then let herself start thinking. Hopefully Derek will be able to talk to her...
d-kronk chapter 8 . 3/23/2013
I really like them just spending the day at Penelope's And love the PDA at the coffee shop. I'm glad Derek continued his speech about Penelope at the end and didn't let her wait too long before he told her what he meant.
d-kronk chapter 7 . 3/23/2013
I'm glad Derek is trying to get her to agree to more than the weekend and is working on getting her to agree to more. I love him confessing how long he's been waiting for her.
d-kronk chapter 6 . 3/23/2013
Love Pen waking up and starting to think too much and Derek just asking why her heart is racing. And I love their teasing and Derek waiting for her "I'll show you a good morning". And Pen needs to stop thinking so much, although I can understand her wanting to protect herself since she doesn't know what Derek wants. And I love him agreeing to her terms as long as he gets his weekend... and it should be a really good weekend.
d-kronk chapter 5 . 3/23/2013
Great chapter! I really like them both giving into their need at this moment and love Derek telling her he doesn't want to do anything to ruin their friendship, but that he needs her.
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