Reviews for New Divide
PiBrain chapter 17 . 6/26
The memory sequences dragged on way too long, but once you got past them it turned into a really good fic
hermione-is-my-hero55 chapter 17 . 5/22
Nice story
Guest chapter 17 . 5/16
Wow this is so twisted ! Honestly your writing is really good but this is so unhealthy... It made me cringe a couple of times...
Kitsune Odin chapter 17 . 4/5
And the two frames were filled...Loved it!
SuperSaiyanTeemo chapter 17 . 2/16
that was a nice read, was worried you were going to have problems wrapping all of it together but it all fits together well
mumphie chapter 17 . 9/13/2019
This was a well written and well woven story. Though you surprised me in that I imagined that Ana would die in childbirth, not by insane treachery. You're right, you don't write fluffy was very good, even though I feel wrung out.
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 17 . 8/23/2019
I really enjoyed this story. It was pretty different from other HP/LV/TR stories I’ve read, but I liked it.
the kinkster chapter 1 . 7/29/2019
The story is good. I'd never expected the complex and twisted plots. Can you write a sequel pleaseee? i really want to see the spin-off or oneshot between harry mione. i want to see mione conversation with harry
Seirei chapter 17 . 6/30/2019
Thank you for the lovely story. It was so beautifully written. Thank you again
crazyhalfalien1 chapter 12 . 6/24/2019
why didn't he just obliviate Hagrid ?
or plant a false memory or something ?
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 10 . 6/3/2019
You did this scene SOOOOOOO WELL
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 9 . 6/2/2019
Ugh the Sirius moment. So sad omg. I wondered if you'd make Teddy Sirius reincarnated but then thought maybe Ana's baby reincarnated
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 6 . 6/2/2019
Really sad about Ana's mum! It makes me think Ana should be propagating support for muggleborn and muggles and tearing down monsters like Arcturus and Pollux?!
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 3 . 6/2/2019
Lol! Your author note again!

"When I reach a certain age, I think I'll kill myself." Your humour, I feel like irl you'd just GET me
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 2 . 6/1/2019
Your next author note LOL!
I got it from an online dictionary! His real name is Jason. His father is just a bastard.

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