Reviews for Touch Me
Broadway Evanescence chapter 14 . 2/1/2014
This was so amazing! In my opinion, I think you should continue it or make a part 2 or something!
Broadway Evanescence chapter 13 . 2/1/2014
Omg omg OMG I can't! This is too cute!
Broadway Evanescence chapter 3 . 1/31/2014
I LOVE THIS! Hanschen is just so possessive and I love it a lot! Ernst is so adorable and totally like Gideon Glick would be as this character!
Broadway Evanescence chapter 1 . 1/31/2014
This is so extremely adorable and both characters are spot on! Great chapter!
GleeSlashSlalker chapter 14 . 1/12/2012
:( its over. I loved this story sooo much it was amazing.
George M. Carter chapter 14 . 5/27/2011
LOVE the way the story was made having both characters tell both sides of the same situations , it for me made it alot more interesting to see how Hanchen goes after Ernst out of lust at first then love. But i have to say the one thing Loved the most was the way that I could tell just by the writing who I was reading, the calculated seduction with Hanchen was AMAZING. i can tell you took time and effort into this story and I appreciated that you have taken such time to work on it. I'm looking forward to reading your next story. also the Disclaimer thing - genius had me laughing every other chapter :)
XxSarahCullenxX chapter 14 . 12/28/2010
Great story! The ending made me soo happy!
Impretty-prettyvacant chapter 14 . 10/23/2010
well that...was amazing. i totally enjoyed the story, i think you captured both characters essences in a wonderful way. :) i am really glad i read this story
The-Ochraniacz chapter 14 . 10/20/2010
I love this story. It's wonderfully written and I love the different POVs.

I hope you update soon
effulgent.fred chapter 14 . 7/23/2010
Okay, I seriously am in love with this fanific! It was wonderfully written and I thought you understood the two characters perfectly. I'm terribly saddened at the fact that it is all over! I wish it could go on forever. Keep writing! You are really talented. :)
whydontyouletmedelete chapter 14 . 7/18/2010
YAY! a loving Hanschen is incredibly cuuute :D

SOrry, I cant review porperly... (DId I say this before?)

Your story and writitng just makes my mouth smile and my heart beat.

So you must know, what that means ;)
purplesummer928 chapter 14 . 7/17/2010
I loved the ending! And I so love Hanschen!
TrippyPixie chapter 14 . 7/15/2010
Excellent ending. Especially the last sentence. XD

I'm rather sad that this story's over now. But if you do write a new one, be assured that I'll read it. D
here is my Pen Name chapter 10 . 6/29/2010
I must say, I love this story! I just discovered it, and read through all ten chapters as fast as I could. Haha. I really like the multiple point of views. It's nice to see both Ernst's and Hanschen's thoughts throughout the story. On top of that, you characterize both of them really well! :)
Wandering-Recluse chapter 10 . 6/27/2010
I love this story. It has to be one of my favorite Hanschen Ernest fics out there. It's really good and the characterization is totally believable. I like the multiple point of views a lot. It givers insight as to what is happening to both of them.

And Melchior came back! That's really cool. I like Melchior a lot. Not as much as Hanschen, Ernest or Moritz but a lot. I really like how he got Hanschen to admit he Ernest.

One thing is I believe the shortened verison of Melchior's name is Melchi. Sorry if I sound nitpicky.

Please update soon! I'm begging you.
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