Reviews for The Humans They Love
blood-doll-aishiteru chapter 3 . 4/5/2014
this was cute, and when he said he wanted to save his contry it was funny because he literally did.
blood-doll-aishiteru chapter 2 . 4/5/2014
that was quite sad or maybe not sad, but certanly not happy.
blood-doll-aishiteru chapter 1 . 4/5/2014
heart wrecking.
tricksterash chapter 8 . 10/1/2011
I've allways had a liking to seeing these guys interacting with historical figures. I'd love to see America and Amelia, and Anastasia and her Big Brother Russia.
MissAleatory chapter 5 . 9/30/2011
Yay! From my favorite History time period! First one that I 100% understood! You did well.
PrincessAmerica101 chapter 7 . 9/27/2011
Hahaha, I love conquistidor!Spain so much. XD

please write more~!
PrincessAmerica101 chapter 6 . 9/26/2011
can you do one with Amelia Earhart and America?
Pochee chapter 6 . 7/29/2011
Aww, Chibitalia is so cute! Well done once again! :)

Please keep updating!
cross-over-lover232 chapter 6 . 9/18/2010
i really like this

i hope to see russia with little anasta soon .
TheFlyingPotato64 chapter 6 . 7/31/2010
This was actually pretty cute. I love Chibitalia. *smirks and squels over cuteness* Please keep udpating.
TheFlyingPotato64 chapter 5 . 6/23/2010
Perhaps the relationship between France and Marie Antionette?

Good job by the way. The chapters were short and sweet :)

LuLeo chapter 5 . 6/23/2010
You have to write about Friedrick II! Prussia and Old Fritz is just pure love! xD
L.Hawk chapter 5 . 6/22/2010
I recently wrote a chapter concerning the same events. I think you did a good job capturing their relationship. Maybe do a chapter on Spain next? You could do Queen Isabella.
Pochee chapter 3 . 6/21/2010
Awww, it's so...deep! I actually think it's really cute, except for the dying part at the beginning. Your style of writing is so realistic! (I envy you 3) You better update soon! If you don't, I'll come to your house in the form of a burning bush! :) Bawhahaha!
Pochee chapter 1 . 4/7/2010
Nice going chica! Loved it!

And please tell me that you're going to write one for Gilbert, please? For me!