Reviews for Kon's Short Adventure
Zaryenna chapter 1 . 4/8/2010
I liked it! Beginning, middle, and end! And entertaining! And a punchline! Hahahaha! Nice ending. :D I liked the first paragraph too. It wasn't that long, but you sure covered a lot in such a small amount of time, which is very difficult. I applaud you... -clap- ... -clap- ...

Do you know who this is? xD Mwahahaha. Facebook certainly helps when I'm looking for someone's fanfiction account. Of course, I suddenly had a burst of intelligence! I reviewed with this account instead of my other one, because my other one is full of junk. Seriously. Junk all over. So there. :) Just in case you were going to go looking for that junk.

Anyway, write more soon! I look forward to reading that other story you wrote as well. And anything else you continue to write.
