Reviews for To Kill a Hawkins
Guest chapter 4 . 12/27/2010
This story is brilliant! I love it so far, normally I just can't handle reading jim stories if there's another girl involved lol, but that's just me out of jealousy. But I love it! I would have never came up with these names. It's really hard to think of alien names. But I have to admit I'm a little confused in what’s going on. But good job though! You make jim sound so much more mature!
EventHorizon6 chapter 19 . 11/25/2010
Oh noez! I love your story! But I guess I understand if you feel you should rewrite it. I'm doing that to some of my earlier treasure planet stories, but I'm going to miss uploads from this story :( It was so great! Wait, so are you going to not be on fanfiction after January 8th or are you going to not be on fanfiction from Dec. - Jan. 8th? NOO! I'm gonna miss yeh! :(
EventHorizon6 chapter 18 . 10/30/2010
CUUUUUTTTTEEEEE! I loved this chapter! Gosh! I love your story! I also enjoyed the crew member's talk at the end! Awesomeness! Keep writing! Definitely can't wait for the next chapter if you're not on writer's block! :)
EventHorizon6 chapter 17 . 10/30/2010
Ahhh I wanted them to kiss :( but I still liked it a lot! Yay! Now I have to read the next chapter! Coolio! :)
EventHorizon6 chapter 16 . 10/30/2010
YAY! New chapter! I was so happy when I saw this! I liked how you described the game like cops and robbers! Awesome! And now I have to read the next chapter because of the cliff hanger! Great work! As always! :D
EventHorizon6 chapter 15 . 9/23/2010
Awww...I loved the part where he forgave her! That was cute! I wonder what the next chapter is going to be about...hmm can't wait for it though! Also, have fun at the scouts thing! Sounds cool! :D

~your bestest fan!
EventHorizon6 chapter 14 . 9/11/2010
OMG! YAY! NEW CHAPTER! Well first I want to say goodluck with your dancing! Second I want to say that...I LOVED THIS CHAPTER! Post another one as soon as you can, but don't over work yourself! I loved her powers! So cool! :)
EventHorizon6 chapter 13 . 9/2/2010
I like started jumping up and down when I saw you had a new chapter! I thought it was so epic! Gah! Now I want the next chapter! And I'll have to check out that art on deviantart, cuz it sounds cool :D
EventHorizon6 chapter 12 . 9/1/2010
the drug is wearing off? Gosh Jim needs to take a chill pill, no offense haha! Loved this chapter as always! Can't wait for the next! :)
EventHorizon6 chapter 11 . 8/30/2010
oh! I was laughing so hard when I read that there was a bubble fight and Jim was abnormally happy! HAHAHA! No I haven't figured it out yet! I'm kind of whatever. All I can get out of it is that Myst is gonna do something bad, but now she's having doubts because she has feelings for Jim! OO! Can't wait for the next chapter! :D
EventHorizon6 chapter 10 . 8/26/2010
NOOOOOO! Why is there a cliffhanger! Write more! Please! hahaha! I hate cliffhangers! I wanna know what she saw! :( please write more! Excellent story! :)
EventHorizon6 chapter 9 . 8/25/2010
OHHH! So cute! I loved the end of this chapter! I thought it was also cool that you showed a little bit of Myst's background! I still want to read more! Oh! And I want to know if Myst is going to fall in love with Jim! :D keep up the good work and thanks for telling people about my stories!
EventHorizon6 chapter 8 . 8/19/2010
ooo! Cool! Okay, I'm getting interested about the whole thing with "Do it soon or else!" haha! Keep writing! I liked how Jim reacted, it just shows that he cares and he's a good guy! I'm interested to hear about Myst and her background! :D
EventHorizon6 chapter 7 . 8/6/2010
ohh! I've been reading your story too and I thought this cahpter was cute! I love Morph and Changer! I hope you keep it up! :)
inactivemember123 chapter 6 . 7/15/2010
dude awsome story, i think in the next chapter, they should makeout hahaha lol
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