Reviews for Please Save Me
Sakuyan chapter 1 . 12/15/2011
Aw, poor Zexion, going through so much heartbreak and pain. If I didn't hate Xemnas and Axel before, I hate them now. Stupid pricks.

It was so freakin' adorable with Riku and Zexion! My inner fangirl screamed inwardly for about three minutes while reading all of the parts with them. Oh, and the part with Sephy being Riku's Dad?

That's freakin' epic. :D
FoxFlyer chapter 1 . 7/15/2010
I just want to say that it seems to me that after the first two parts, it moved forward waaa too fast.

Vixie: And some of it was kind of random.

Don't get me wrong, it's good...

Vixie: But it's like it's racing to finish too fast...