Reviews for Re
Schwerelos chapter 4 . 12/24/2011
This fanfic is *perfect*. Just thought I should mention it.

Gosh, I loved it so much I cannot even express how much. Thank you for writing it.
Free of Mundane Thoughts chapter 4 . 8/27/2011
Well fuck. I love these kinds of "reincarnation" stories. They're always so interesting. Especially with Kojuurou and Masamune. I mean, all the other characters are good too, of course, and they all have important stories too, but... I don't really feel like they have the same CONNECTION as these two do. It's just not the same. And this was just... I wish there was more of it. But I appreciate endings as well. A good story is nothing without a good ending, and whenever that ending is, it shouldn't take forever to get to (like it does in Naruto or Bleach or Inuyasha, etc...) or the story gets boring... so I'll take this. Four chapters is a decent story, even though I'm still longing for more. Longing is something that SHOULD come after a good story. Thanks so much for writing this.
hallymune16 chapter 4 . 12/20/2010
This is just beautiful! Incredibly touching. I love the Revaival-ness. Love the way you write. Love it all! Awesome!
anon chapter 4 . 12/11/2010
really good story
Lady chapter 1 . 4/11/2010
It was so good! I adore AU stories and in Basara' fiction it's so rare! Really hope to see another chapter of this soon!