Reviews for Shadowed Past: Tale of the Last Dragon
Yemi Hikari chapter 1 . 12/14/2011
I am personally hoping that after ten years roughly, you have matured as a person. I happened to read the reviews before I went in to critique this story. I didn't want to say anything that had already been said.

Truth is, there was nothing wrong with Techno-Dann's review and I think you took their review way to personally. They were very polite, and didn't deserve the kind of response you gave them. Not to mention, a lot of the arguments you made don't fly in the fanfiction community, because they just amount to an attempt to excuse bad writing. Bane of the Mary Sues though... I honestly think they were a flamer.


Anyways, in case a young writer comes along and reads the reviews, I am choosing to leave this first.

1.) While it is true that a writer can do anything they want when they write any story, that doesn't mean that the person won't be called out for a bad plot line or in fanfiction, butchering the canon. I personally love AU's, but I have a rule... if you break the canon, fix it so it is still believable.

2.) While you did write this story, all forms of derivative work are actually owned by the original creator. Also, referring it to the story as "my version" is an insult to all the hard work the original person went into it. Not to mention, it is only "your version

3.) Stealing the lines from the canon characters is wrong for these reasons. One, it usurps the role of the canon character. Two, the lines were written by someone else, and if you USE to many lines from the actual books and movies, it DOES constitute a form of plagiarism.

4.) When you post something to the net, you aren't allowed to say "no negative reviews". And there is also the fact that Dann wasn't bashing your story, and even had some positive things to say.

5.) "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all?" This phrase does not mean, "if a person doesn't have anything positive to say [something], then they can't point out the faults of [something]." The phrase is about not using bad words simply because you want to use them, and I don't like the fact that people are now misusing this phrase.


Anyways... dragons being good in Tolkien's universe is just not believable. Tolkien based his mythology on old Western mythology. There was no stories about good dragons. They didn't crop up until more modern times. Eastern dragons are mostly good, but that is a different mythology. And while other stories have good dragons, this is like saying that a vampire from one story, can be used in another vampire story. It just doesn't work. (Believe me... people don't like it when people Myerpyer already established vampires that aren't like hers. but they do...)

In the long run, I think the writing in the chapter is good. The problem... no matter how good you write a story, if the plot has problems and isn't believable, the writer has failed.
Tigerwulf chapter 14 . 12/26/2007
*Reading previous reviews* This story has received a lot of abuse, hasn't it? I personally think it's a great idea and enjoy the fact that a half-dragon made it into the fellowship to help. Many stories have evil AND good dragons in and this story includes that concept. Anyone thinking that the mating thing was weird, go watch Beowulf and see what he does to Grendel's mother, because that's worse! Loved the story, loved the idea. Well done, dude!

megan chapter 14 . 4/21/2007
One of the best stories I've ever read!
Kyrsten Ruk chapter 14 . 6/13/2005
Hi! :) Thought I'd check out your stories and return the favor. This was really good, and I think Tolkien would have been proud to read this. Keep writing and thanks for your review and honoring me by putting me in your Fav Authors. Take care and keep writing.
LOTR fan chapter 1 . 4/19/2004
Really good story.
Bane of the Mary-Sues chapter 2 . 1/31/2004
Apparently my work is not done here. You're still an egotistical faggot.
Yes, my mother did teach me not to say nasty things, but then when I went out into the world and realized just how many pompus assholes there are, I didn't care anymore.
Question. Why do you bother posting if you don't care what people have to say? Hm? Is it just that tiny feeling of self-worth you get when you see your name on the page? I used to live for that feeling, but then people like YOU came along with the movies.
And by the way, I like my little swearing habit. And don't ever fucking call me dearie again, unless you happen to be homosexual. Even then, if you call me dearie, I will burn your pubic hair off with cuss-words.
Also, if there was a way to make a giant fucking hammer smashing into 'facie' I'd make it right now.
I think you have failed to see the point of my reviews Silver. My point is to make you realize what a stupid idea this is and take it down.

Wait? What's this? You don't want to take it down because you fancy yourself a writer? Fuck you. You're no more a writer than I am a woman. What? You think your character rocks? NEWS FLASH! He doesn't.
Let me list all the things wrong with Kalan and your concept of dragons:
1.) He is a biological impossibility (what, a dragon swooped down and fucked the bejeezus out of some poor girl?)
2.) He's a good person. All dragons are evil. I think we covered that. Actually, the only race that truly side with both evil and good are men.
3.) I'm too lazy to think of any more. I'll get back to you later. I have stuff I need to do.
Sylver-Star189 chapter 1 . 1/30/2004
Once again, I'm left laughing at this pointless bashing of my bashing of the one who first bashed my story. I'll make this short and sweet. You are under the delusion that I actually care about what you have to say. Didnt your mother ever teach you "If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all"? And what a mouth you have you on you, I dont think I've ever seen someone who can use that many curse words, its _almost_ amazing! Except not.
So, please! If you want, continue your flaming, I wont stop you. You wont get me to stop writing, and doing things in my own way.
Oh, and I like my facie _~.
Get a life, dearie!
Bane of the Mary-Sues chapter 1 . 1/29/2004
Wrongo fag. Techno-Dann is right in every way. And I would apprieciate it if you stopped making those gay little _~ signs. They make you look a huge retard.
Dude, J.R.R. Tolkien was THE MOST fanfic friendly author in the history of literature. He himself said that he hoped that young writers would discover more of the history of Arda.
I quote from the essay 'To the Halls of Mandos with them! (let the Valar sort them out)': "Volumes are implied in single sentences of LOTR - now go unpack them for us."
But no. You crack-monkeys only want to mess with the Fellowship.
I will now debunk all of your points because that's the kind of guy I am.
You: After reading that last review of my fic, from...Techno-Dann, I couldnt help but laugh for the next fifteen minutes or so.
Well, in response to your...lovely review, Dann (why two "N"s? lol) a few things. I will do this in order:
Me: Well slap me silly! You're going to do it in order? Well, well, we are grand aren't we. Oh, oh! No more buttered scones for me mater, I'm play the grand piano. Pardon me while I fly my aeroplane. Fuck you.
You do realize that 'Dann' is a perfectly legitimate spelling of the name 'Dan', and just because you're too stupid to have ever heard of it doesn't mean that it's wrong.
You laughed? Oh god in heaven, you can't be serious! I laughed at your response to Techno-Dann because you're acting like an immature brat, just because he's telling you what's wrong. Trust me, Techno-Dann is a fucking liberal PPC agent. Most of them would have flamed you to hell and back, like I'm doing now. I am not, however, a PPC agent, I'm an independent operative.
You: "This is FAN FICTION, the point of it is to take a basic plot line and change it, turn it, add people and events to something different. Thats what I did, I know there werent "good dragons" in the original Tolkien world, I wanted them in MY version, so I put them there.
Me: Well, here you show that you have the intelligence of a fucking two-year old "I wanted them in MY version...", Eru Iluvatar save me. Your version doesn't mean shit. Fanfiction means that you respect the boundaries that Tolkien set down. Dragons are fucking bio-engineered city smashing WEAPONS! Read the
backstory asshole.
You: Kalan may be a..."marty stu" but, I really dont care. He is the product of my imagination and got put into MY story. I love Kalan. And so do a lot of other people.
Me: Um, judging by the amount of people who reviewed, I'd say he's not that well loved. In fact, I noticed that several people reviewed multiple times. So stop being an egotistical faggot and face the fact that your character is a flaming Marty-stu, and that is most definately not something to be proud of.
You: "stop stealing lines from the canon characters. They don't like it, and I don't either" Do you know the characters, Dann? If you do, please, let me know and I will call them myself and apologise IF they are..upset I "stole
their lines" _~ Heh.
Me: GAH! It's that retarded symbol again! Guess what asshole? I can do that too! _~ in fact, a stupid monkey could probably do that! And here's something my roommate taught me!
If you have your Marty-stu stealing canon character's lines, you must not be able to think of any other way to secure his position. This means that you are not only a shithead, but you are also an uncreative shithead! Don't have an OC if you have to resort to stealing actual character's line so he can say something!
You: I never said Gimli was Irish, I was using the "movie-verse" if you didnt notice for my stories, and if you have seen them, you will notice that Gimli DOES say "lad" to the hobbits and to Aragorn, I liked it, I used, said and done _~.
Me: Again with the retarded symbol! I agree that you never said Gimli was Irish. But other than that, it screams to me that you only saw the movies. Otherwise, you would have realized that dragons are BAD and EVIL and are WEAPONS for the EVIL INCARNATE! Maybe that would have changed that tiny little collection of brain cells you call a mind about making a good dragon.
You:I apreciate your criticism, but really...I dont care for your bashing of my story. This is a FAN FICTION, I can make it whatever I want. So take your "Protectors of the Plot Continuum" and..shove it where the sun dont shine, baby _~
Me: If you can't take the heat... I have forgotten the rest of this phrase. Fanfiction can be criticized as harshly as we feel like it, especially if it sucks as bad as this. There's a little thing called the first ammendment that allows us to do this, as well as allowing you to put up this shit. Also, you can take ANY PPC agent and he will be a better writer than a thousand of you combined can ever be. Also, you added the gay symbol on the end. And then you *bowed*. This gives me more evidence (besides your concept of dragons)that you are a fan of Japenese anime. This makes me believe you are an obese lard-ball who spends, no...throws thousands of dollars at the Japenese Corporate Conglamorate of Annoyingly Whiny People Who Spend ALL FUCKING DAY Drawing Dick-Girls (JCCAWPWSAFDG). People like you make me sick. "And shove it where the sun don't shine", well guess what, we can't. Why? Because it's already filled up with your fat head!
Also, your story really, really, really sucks balls. I couldn't put myself through more than one chapter, or I probably would have impaled red-hot javelins through my genitals.
Ta fucker.
Sites you should check out-
Sites I am going to report you to-
(see above)
Sylver-Star189 chapter 14 . 12/19/2003
After reading that last review of my fic, from...Techno-Dann, I couldnt help but laugh for the next fifteen minutes or so.
Well, in response to your...lovely review, Dann (why two "N"s? lol) a few things. I will do this in order:
One: This is FAN FICTION, the point of it is to take a basic plot line and change it, turn it, add people and events to something different. Thats what I did, I know there werent "good dragons" in the original Tolkien world, I wanted them in MY version, so I put them there.
Two: Kalan may be a..."marty stu" but, I really dont care. He is the product of my imagination and got put into MY story. I love Kalan. And so do a lot of other people
Three: "stop stealing lines from the canon characters. They don't like it, and I don't either" Do you know the characters, Dann? If you do, please, let me know and I will call them myself and apologise IF they are..upset I "stole their lines" _~ Heh.
Four: I never said Gimli was Irish, I was using the "movie-verse" if you didnt notice for my stories, and if you have seen them, you will notice that Gimli DOES say "lad" to the hobbits and to Aragorn, I liked it, I used, said and done _~.
I apreciate your criticism, but really...I dont care for your bashing of my story. This is a FAN FICTION, I can make it whatever I want. So take your "Protectors of the Plot Continuum" and..shove it where the sun dont shine, baby _~
Techno-Dann chapter 8 . 12/18/2003
Ok- this is going to be long. I am an agent of the Protectors of the Plot Continuum, and my favorite subject is dragons.
First: There were never good dragons. All the dragons were a creation of Morgoth. The only war involving dragons in the Silmarillion was the War of Wrath (I'm not sure about the name), in which the Valar and their armies (of maiar) wiped out Morgoth's army, and threw Morgoth into the void. Furthermore, not all dragons are black. Ancalgon, one of the biggest of the dragons, was called 'the black'. But, we also have references to Smaug the Red and Glaurung the Golden.
That said: Kalan is a Marty Stu. A well-written Stu, but a Stu. As you probably guessed, that's the masculine version of a Mary-Sue. And by the way, please stop stealing lines from the canon characters. They don't like it, and I don't either.
Do keep writing, but please try to not write any more Sues. And one last thing: Gimli is not irish. He doesn't call people 'lad'
Sandman chapter 14 . 9/21/2002
You wrote a great story! I really enjoyed it and i can't wait until the next one comes out. Don't get writer's block!
Hermione Eveningfall chapter 9 . 9/13/2002
dude girlie! u updated! ;) Wow, it's been a while!

Roger: Has it ever...

Jack: Most definitely.

Ralph: Of course I've never read LOTR...

Me: Duh,'re a make believe character!


Haha...don't ask. Yes, they're my muses...I had "Kay" for a while but then I decided to use the LOTF boys instead. I'm weird. Oh well...great to see ya back, hon!
Rem di Luna chapter 8 . 7/31/2002
OH MY GOD! That was great! Keep writing onee-san! Oh, don't forget to check out my stories too, okay?

Hermione Eveningfall chapter 7 . 5/30/2002
update update update update update! (its Erin hehe...)this is such a good story and im sure your other readers want more...QUICKLY. Ta ta!
Erisana Silverbranch chapter 1 . 4/19/2002
twitching blonde tomatoe! lol lol lol. hehe...yay, girl...u got 17 reviews now! (i checked for ya)...eventually you'll have to update or people will start attacking you w/ sporks! *mwahahahahahahahaha* *cough* *cough* :)
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