Reviews for Substitute
derp herp chapter 1 . 5/10/2013
Sakuyan chapter 1 . 2/21/2013
I'm going to admit something right now. This was posted almost three years ago, but despite that, I still enjoyed it immensely. Your SSBB stories are the only ones I'm following right now, because that fandom has seemed to become a dumping ground for "writers" who have no idea how to write. The ones that do seem to write Marth/Ike endlessly, and yes, that pairing is somewhat enjoyable, but I much prefer Marth/Link and there is not a whole lot about them as a pairing written here.

(You also got me smitten on the Ike/Roy pairing. It's just too adorable like I don't even.)

I'm going to attempt to write a decent review to the newest chapter to "Pick Your Battles" once I finish this, but I can't guarantee that I'll get something out. Reason being? I'm casually coughing out my lungs as I type this.

Thank you for writing such lovely Marth/Link stories. I hope that you continue to do so, because honestly, this pairing needs so much more love than it gets.
silvertail24 chapter 1 . 2/16/2013
AAAAWWWWW!XD thats the cutest thing ever! i abosolutely love marthxlink! and i love the fact this story takes place in SSBM and not SSBB. ocarina of time link 4ever!
silvertail24 chapter 1 . 2/1/2013
aaaaawwww! so god damn cute! i swear they make one of the most best couples EVER!
Kaiouri chapter 1 . 10/23/2011
I loved this story. There really aren't too many MarthxLink fics which I find surprising because I was just so sure that there would be tons of them. Also, I kind of hated Roy in this fic, but he was the antagonist so I guess that was the whole point. And about updating late, don't feel bad. I myself have updated extremely late. I'm talking over a year late. I'm a lazy author. Anyways, keep writing!
That Faggot From Next door chapter 1 . 10/16/2011
LuvChiharu-CHAN chapter 1 . 11/7/2010
its a pretty nice story.
demolitionXloveX94 chapter 1 . 11/1/2010
-fan girl squeal- I loved the ending! :3
darkwolflink1 chapter 1 . 10/12/2010
i loved it all the way through, well done and great job.
JojoLightningfingers chapter 1 . 9/6/2010
There needs to be more MarthLink. It needs more love.

This was an INCREDIBLE story. I love the characters (though I did start disliking Roy halfway on), but it could have gone a bit slower. Drawn it out.

Not bad for being half-blind!
yamibakura03 chapter 1 . 5/22/2010
I love this story. I started to hate Roy just a bit but then I was like. It be good if like out of the ordinary Roy starting to like Marth and he says No!. Funny when people realise the mistakes they make and want to set things right, they get rejected.

I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to this or another fic story. It was great tho!
NanaeTsuki chapter 1 . 4/8/2010

Yo make my day! I haven't see you have summit it u/u sorry!

I like it very much D And THANK YOU! I swear I love this pairing! You put Link really cute, I could hug him to death for that (L)

And, Yey a sequel for Love Scorned! I will be waiting for it ;D

Again, Thank you alotfor this fic nOn!