Reviews for Chance
dhansree chapter 1 . 4/27/2011
another side of the happily-ever-after fairy-tale. its wonderful the way you've brought out leah's pain in simple, uncomplicated words, like leah herself )leah represents the majority of women today, doesnt she? women, who are normal and usual, but left behind for the prettier ones. good work. looking forward to more )
NeverOkayIPromise chapter 1 . 3/12/2011

:( Awhhh poooor Lee ... I heart that girl! Stupid amn wretched SPAWNLIKE DEVIL CHILD!

TeamJacob22 chapter 1 . 6/4/2010
aw poor leah
sentinel10 chapter 1 . 5/29/2010
That was totally heart breaking! Even though it was short, I cried! I am such a baby!

Loved it!
Kei Jones chapter 1 . 4/11/2010
WHY? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME? WHY AM I DOING THIS TO MYSELF? When will the tears stop? I go from happy to angst all in less than a matter of moments. *sniffles* Loved it.
Maybe Its You chapter 1 . 4/11/2010
made me cry like hell. 3 u! ur an amazing writer
AceCade chapter 1 . 4/11/2010
Very well written. You conveyed Leah's emotions fabulously. There were a frew grammatical errors, by the way. But all in all, great story! :)
brankel1 chapter 1 . 4/11/2010
Loved Leah.
TheVividTruth chapter 1 . 4/10/2010
Hey:) 3

So, like I had to find this myself, do you know how much work that is, when you don't PM me? -_-

ItsCuzOfTheFame, my desi girl, I heart you

*giggles* thank u, I heart you my native chicksta.

Oh God.

Jake, what are you doing?

You're down on your knees.

You're pulling out a tiny, velvet covered box.

Every breath in my body seems to vanish.

It's not me your holding it out to.


It's the half breed. The imprint. It was always was.

She's gasping, hands flying to clutch at her hair, yelling out something.



The room erupts, our brothers, the Cullens and Denalis, the other half breed, all swarming around the two of you now. Not that you notice Jake, you're too busy wrapped in her arms.

Oh God, it hurts.

I can see Bella heaving with sobs with tears will never fall.

Mine do.

When you pull away finally, when you finish shaking their hands, accepting their congratulations, you look over their heads, searching for me.

You see me, seem to mistake my tears for those of joy, and grinning wildly, gesture me over.

I go, dazed, and stand next to you as cameras flash, taking pictures me and the happy couple. Me and you two.

I don't scream. I've stopped crying. I don't hit you until you hurt as much I am hurting. I want to do all these things, but I don't.

I've never wanted much Jake. Just a chance.

Amazing work on this one shot. Loved the angst, and the power in your writing is amazing, so thank you for this treat!

Mhm, poor Lee:( I feel so bad for her, even though she wouldn't like that

I don't think she wants sympathy

Crap, I'm rambling

Loved this once again (I love all your one shots)

Aha, I saw your review to nikkira's Gale/Katniss one shot, I love those two so much.


YoGurlB chapter 1 . 4/10/2010
Aw poor Leah. This was beautiful, great job! Going on my favorites
leahlover1208 chapter 1 . 4/10/2010
aww! how sad!

poor leah! it was a great story, i dn't like most one shots but i did love this one!
stevesbestgirl chapter 1 . 4/10/2010
now, I'm never really a fan of one-shots, but this ust might have changed my mind... If all one-shots were like this, I would be very, very happy, and I think everyone else would too. ongratulations on the excellent writing :P
xXxBlackwaterQueenxXx chapter 1 . 4/10/2010
Awwh! This is soo amazing, I thought I was gonna cry! So sad, but so good. One of my fav oneshots :) x
Mittenzs chapter 1 . 4/10/2010
oh my that was sad ( poor poor Leah