Reviews for The Problem With Physics
Guest chapter 1 . 6/22/2011
You do repose that if something is moving in space it will keep going in that direction until something stops it.
ZeZe123 chapter 1 . 4/13/2010



are you serious?

james bond underwear?

woow nice
palladium-46 chapter 1 . 4/13/2010
"I think that I might have made it too... good grammar-y for a humor/parody story. Agree/Disagree?"

...Psh, good grammer is always necessary! (Unless you're making fun of bad grammar, which is a diff case. ;)

“and I've been stopped by my lack of attention in physics class.”

Ah-ha-ha! Just imagine a teacher giving *that* excuse to their students: “Pay attention in class, or you might find yourself floating in outer space one day!”

“Anger still not abated...”

Great word choice.

Anyway, your Alex was just plain awesome. The concepts (e.g. Newton’s third law)...the crackiness (e.g. everything)...the characterization ("Arrgh!" Alex yelled to the empty moon-base. "Why do these things always happen to me!") made my day! T’was funny and amusing, and – one last thing – I just ado-o-ored this line:

"Why are you wearing James Bond underwear?"

Why, indeed?

Keep writing!

Have a great day!